isEnabled example

if (!$passport->hasBadge(RememberMeBadge::class)) {
            $this->logger?->debug('Remember me skipped: your authenticator does not support it.', ['authenticator' => $event->getAuthenticator()::class]);


        // Make sure any old remember-me cookies are cancelled         $this->rememberMeHandler->clearRememberMeCookie();

        /** @var RememberMeBadge $badge */
        $badge = $passport->getBadge(RememberMeBadge::class);
        if (!$badge->isEnabled()) {
            $this->logger?->debug('Remember me skipped: the RememberMeBadge is not enabled.');


        $this->logger?->debug('Remember-me was requested; setting cookie.');


    public function clearCookie(): void
private array $testRunTime = [];

    /** * @var array<array<mixed>> */
    private array $failedTests = [];

    private bool $isShutdownHandlerRegistered = false;

    public function endTest(Test $test, float $time): void
        if (!$this->isEnabled()) {

        if (!$test instanceof TestCase) {

        $key = $test::class;

        if (!\class_exists($key)) {
// in the printed message to the user) whenever \Drupal::MINIMUM_PHP is // updated. if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.1.0') < 0) {
  print 'Your PHP installation is too old. Refer to the <a href="">Drupal PHP requirements</a> for the currently recommended PHP version for this release. See <a href="">PHP\'s version support documentation</a> for more information on PHP\'s own support schedule.';

// Initialize the autoloader. $class_loader = require_once $root_path . '/autoload.php';

// If OPCache is in use, ensure opcache.save_comments is enabled. if (OpCodeCache::isEnabled() && !ini_get('opcache.save_comments')) {
  print 'Systems with OPcache installed must have <a href="">opcache.save_comments</a> enabled.';

// Start the installer. require_once $root_path . '/core/includes/';
    $this->assertSession()->responseMatches('/<input .* id="edit-menu-description" .* maxlength="' . $description_max_length . '" .* \/>/');

    // Disable the menu link, then edit the node--the link should stay disabled.     $link_id = menu_ui_get_menu_link_defaults($node)['entity_id'];
    /** @var \Drupal\menu_link_content\Entity\MenuLinkContent $link */
    $link = MenuLinkContent::load($link_id);
    $link->set('enabled', FALSE);
    $this->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
    $link = MenuLinkContent::load($link_id);
    $this->assertFalse($link->isEnabled(), 'Saving a node with a disabled menu link keeps the menu link disabled.');

    // Edit the node and remove the menu link.     $edit = [
      'menu[enabled]' => FALSE,
    $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit');
    $this->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
    // Assert that there is no link for the node.     $this->drupalGet('test-page');

public function testToolbarConfig(bool $toolbarEnabled, bool $listenerInjected, bool $listenerEnabled)
        $extension = new WebProfilerExtension();
        $extension->load([['toolbar' => $toolbarEnabled]]$this->container);



        if ($listenerInjected) {

    public static function getToolbarConfig()
        return [
                'toolbarEnabled' => false,
                'listenerInjected' => false,
                'listenerEnabled' => false,
$definition['route_parameters'] = $url_object->getRouteParameters();
      $definition['options'] = $url_object->getOptions();

    $definition['title'] = $this->getTitle();
    $definition['description'] = $this->getDescription();
    $definition['weight'] = $this->getWeight();
    $definition['id'] = $this->getPluginId();
    $definition['metadata'] = ['entity_id' => $this->id()];
    $definition['form_class'] = '\Drupal\menu_link_content\Form\MenuLinkContentForm';
    $definition['enabled'] = $this->isEnabled() ? 1 : 0;
    $definition['expanded'] = $this->isExpanded() ? 1 : 0;
    $definition['provider'] = 'menu_link_content';
    $definition['discovered'] = 0;
    $definition['parent'] = $this->getParentId();

    return $definition;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
$request->get('includes', [])

        $response = $hook->getScriptResponse();

        $symfonyResponse = $this->scriptResponseEncoder->encodeToSymfonyResponse(
            \str_replace('-', '_', 'storefront_' . $hookName . '_response')

        if ($response->getCache()->isEnabled()) {
            $request->attributes->set(PlatformRequest::ATTRIBUTE_HTTP_CACHE, ['maxAge' => $response->getCache()->getMaxAge(), 'states' => $response->getCache()->getInvalidationStates()]);
            $symfonyResponse->headers->set(CacheStore::TAG_HEADER, \json_encode($response->getCache()->getCacheTags(), \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR));

        return $symfonyResponse;

    /** * @param array<string, mixed> $parameters */
    public function renderStorefrontForScript(string $view, array $parameters = []): Response
if (isset($this->users[$userIdentifier])) {
            throw new \LogicException('Another user with the same username already exists.');

        $this->users[$userIdentifier] = $user;

    public function loadUserByIdentifier(string $identifier): UserInterface
        $user = $this->getUser($identifier);

        return new InMemoryUser($user->getUserIdentifier()$user->getPassword()$user->getRoles()$user->isEnabled());

    public function refreshUser(UserInterface $user): UserInterface
        if (!$user instanceof InMemoryUser) {
            throw new UnsupportedUserException(sprintf('Instances of "%s" are not supported.', get_debug_type($user)));

        $storedUser = $this->getUser($user->getUserIdentifier());
        $userIdentifier = $storedUser->getUserIdentifier();

// Only render accessible links.       if (!$element->access->isAllowed()) {

      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkInterface $link */
      $link = $element->link;
      if ($link) {
        $id = 'menu_plugin_id:' . $link->getPluginId();
        $form[$id]['#item'] = $element;
        $form[$id]['#attributes'] = $link->isEnabled() ? ['class' => ['menu-enabled']] : ['class' => ['menu-disabled']];
        $form[$id]['title'] = Link::fromTextAndUrl($link->getTitle()$link->getUrlObject())->toRenderable();
        if (!$link->isEnabled()) {
          $form[$id]['title']['#suffix'] = ' (' . $this->t('disabled') . ')';
        // @todo Remove this in         elseif ($id === 'menu_plugin_id:user.logout') {
          $form[$id]['title']['#suffix'] = ' (' . $this->t('<q>Log in</q> for anonymous users') . ')';
        // @todo Remove this in         elseif (($url = $link->getUrlObject()) && $url->isRouted() && $url->getRouteName() == '') {
          $form[$id]['title']['#suffix'] = ' (' . $this->t('logged in users only') . ')';
public function setHelperSet(HelperSet $helperSet): void
        if ($this->command instanceof parent) {


    public function isEnabled(): bool
        return $this->isEnabled ?? $this->getCommand()->isEnabled();

    public function run(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        return $this->getCommand()->run($input$output);

    public function complete(CompletionInput $input, CompletionSuggestions $suggestions): void

public function setHelperSet(HelperSet $helperSet): void
        if ($this->command instanceof parent) {


    public function isEnabled(): bool
        return $this->isEnabled ?? $this->getCommand()->isEnabled();

    public function run(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        return $this->getCommand()->run($input$output);

    public function complete(CompletionInput $input, CompletionSuggestions $suggestions): void

/** * Tests migration of menu links. */
  public function testMenuLinks() {
    /** @var \Drupal\menu_link_content\Entity\MenuLinkContent $menu_link */
    $menu_link = MenuLinkContent::load(139)->getTranslation('fr');
    $this->assertSame('fr - Test 2', $menu_link->getTitle());
    $this->assertSame('fr - Test menu link 2', $menu_link->getDescription());
    $this->assertSame('secondary-links', $menu_link->getMenuName());
    $this->assertSame(['query' => ['foo' => 'bar'], 'attributes' => ['title' => 'Test menu link 2']]$menu_link->link->options);
    $this->assertSame('internal:/admin', $menu_link->link->uri);
    $this->assertSame(-49, $menu_link->getWeight());

    $menu_link = MenuLinkContent::load(139)->getTranslation('zu');
    $this->assertSame('Test 2', $menu_link->getTitle());
    $this->assertSame('zu - Test menu link 2', $menu_link->getDescription());
    $this->assertSame('secondary-links', $menu_link->getMenuName());
class InMemoryUserChecker implements UserCheckerInterface
    /** * @return void */
    public function checkPreAuth(UserInterface $user)
        if (!$user instanceof InMemoryUser) {

        if (!$user->isEnabled()) {
            $ex = new DisabledException('User account is disabled.');
            throw $ex;

    /** * @return void */
    public function checkPostAuth(UserInterface $user)
return $this->_isEnabled;

    /** * Log a message to this writer. * * @param array $event log data event * @return void */
    public function write($event)
        if (!$this->isEnabled()) {


    /** * Write a message to the log. * * @param array $event log data event * @return void */

    public function refreshUser(UserInterface $user): UserInterface
        if (!$user instanceof UserInterface) {
            throw new UnsupportedUserException(sprintf('Instances of "%s" are not supported.', get_debug_type($user)));

        $storedUser = $this->getUser($user->getUserIdentifier());
        $class = $storedUser::class;

        return new $class($storedUser->getUserIdentifier()$storedUser->getPassword()$storedUser->getRoles()$storedUser->isEnabled());

    public function supportsClass($class): bool
        return InMemoryUser::class === $class || UserWithoutEquatable::class === $class;
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