isHandling example

$handler = new ServerLogHandler('tcp://');

        $formatter = new JsonFormatter();

    public function testIsHandling()
        $handler = new ServerLogHandler('tcp://', Logger::INFO);
        $this->assertFalse($handler->isHandling(RecordFactory::create(Logger::DEBUG)), '->isHandling returns false when no output is set');

    public function testGetFormatter()
        $handler = new ServerLogHandler('tcp://');
            '->getFormatter returns VarDumperFormatter by default'

    public function testWritingAndFormatting()
        $this->endpoint = $endpoint;
        $this->index = $index;
        $this->client = $client ?: HttpClient::create(['timeout' => 1]);
        $this->responses = new \SplObjectStorage();
        $this->elasticsearchVersion = $elasticsearchVersion;

    private function doHandle(array|LogRecord $record): bool
        if (!$this->isHandling($record)) {
            return false;


        return !$this->bubble;

    public function handleBatch(array $records): void
        $records = array_filter($records$this->isHandling(...));

private NotifierInterface $notifier;

    public function __construct(NotifierInterface $notifier, string|int|Level $level = Logger::ERROR, bool $bubble = true)
        $this->notifier = $notifier;

        parent::__construct(Logger::toMonologLevel($level) < Logger::ERROR ? Logger::ERROR : $level$bubble);

    private function doHandle(array|LogRecord $record): bool
        if (!$this->isHandling($record)) {
            return false;


        return !$this->bubble;

    public function handleBatch(array $records): void
        if ($records = array_filter($records$this->isHandling(...))) {
class ConsoleHandlerTest extends TestCase
    public function testConstructor()
        $handler = new ConsoleHandler(null, false);
        $this->assertFalse($handler->getBubble(), 'the bubble parameter gets propagated');

    public function testIsHandling()
        $handler = new ConsoleHandler();
        $this->assertFalse($handler->isHandling(RecordFactory::create()), '->isHandling returns false when no output is set');

    /** * @dataProvider provideVerbosityMappingTests */
    public function testVerbosityMapping($verbosity$level$isHandling, array $map = [])
        $output = $this->createMock(OutputInterface::class);
$this->output = $output;

        if ($verbosityLevelMap) {
            $this->verbosityLevelMap = $verbosityLevelMap;

        $this->consoleFormatterOptions = $consoleFormatterOptions;

    private function doIsHandling(array|LogRecord $record): bool
        return $this->updateLevel() && parent::isHandling($record);

    private function doHandle(array|LogRecord $record): bool
        // we have to update the logging level each time because the verbosity of the         // console output might have changed in the meantime (it is not immutable)         return $this->updateLevel() && parent::handle($record);

    /** * Sets the console output to use for printing logs. * * @return void */
if (!str_contains($host, '://')) {
            $host = 'tcp://'.$host;

        $this->host = $host;
        $this->context = stream_context_create($context);

    private function doHandle(array|LogRecord $record): bool
        if (!$this->isHandling($record)) {
            return false;

        set_error_handler(static fn () => null);

        try {
            if (!$this->socket = $this->socket ?: $this->createSocket()) {
                return false === $this->bubble;
        } finally {
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