limit example

      else {
        // If we have a single filter, just add it to the query.         $filter = $query;
      foreach ($options['filters'] as $field => $string) {
        $filter->condition($this->dbFieldTable($field) . '.' . $field, '%' . $this->connection->escapeLike($string) . '%', 'LIKE');

    if (!empty($options['pager limit'])) {
      $query = $query->extend(PagerSelectExtender::class)->limit($options['pager limit']);

    return $query;

  /** * Creates a database record for a string object. * * @param \Drupal\locale\StringInterface $string * The string object. * * @return bool|int * If the operation failed, returns FALSE. * If it succeeded returns the last insert ID of the query, if one exists. * * @throws \Drupal\locale\StringStorageException * If the string is not suitable for this storage, an exception is thrown. */
$routerProductTemplate = $this->config->get('sROUTERARTICLETEMPLATE');
        if (empty($routerProductTemplate)) {
            return $lastUpdate;

            'UPDATE `s_articles` SET `changetime`= NOW() WHERE `changetime`=?',
            ['0000-00-00 00:00:00']

        $sql = $this->getSeoArticleQuery();
        $sql = $this->db->limit($sql$limit$offset);

        $fallbackShop = Shopware()->Shop()->getFallback();
        $shopFallbackId = ($fallbackShop instanceof Shop) ? $fallbackShop->getId() : null;

        $result = $this->db->fetchAll(
return $result;

        $limit = $this->config->get('similarLimit');
        if ($limit <= 0) {
            return $result;

        $fallbackResult = [];
        foreach ($fallback as $product) {
            $criteria = $this->factory->createBaseCriteria([$context->getShop()->getCategory()->getId()]$context);

            $condition = new SimilarProductCondition($product->getId()$product->getName());

            $criteria->addSorting(new PopularitySorting());

            $searchResult = $this->search->search($criteria$context);

            $fallbackResult[$product->getNumber()] = $searchResult->getProducts();

->condition('name', '%' . $keys . '%', 'LIKE')
        ->condition('mail', '%' . $keys . '%', 'LIKE')
    else {
      // Regular users can only search via usernames, and we do not show them       // blocked accounts.       $query->condition('name', '%' . $keys . '%', 'LIKE')
        ->condition('status', 1);
    $uids = $query
    $accounts = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('user')->loadMultiple($uids);

    foreach ($accounts as $account) {
      $result = [
        'title' => $account->getDisplayName(),
        'link' => $account->toUrl('canonical', ['absolute' => TRUE])->toString(),
      if ($this->currentUser->hasPermission('administer users')) {
        $result['title'] .= ' (' . $account->getEmail() . ')';
$sql = " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS id, IF(datum IS NULL,'',datum) as `date`, subject as description, sendermail, sendername FROM `s_campaigns_mailings` WHERE `status`!=0 AND plaintext=0 AND `publish`!=0 AND languageID=? AND customergroup IN ($customergroups) ORDER BY `id` DESC ";
        $sql = Shopware()->Db()->limit($sql$perPage$perPage * ($page - 1));
        $result = Shopware()->Db()->query($sql[$context->getShop()->getId()]);

        // $count has to be set before calling Router::assemble() because it removes the FOUND_ROWS()         $sql = 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as count_' . md5($sql);
        $count = (int) Shopware()->Db()->fetchOne($sql);
        if ($perPage !== 0) {
            $count = ceil($count / $perPage);
        } else {
            $count = 0;

$count = PHP_INT_MAX;

        if (!empty($this->_parts[self::LIMIT_COUNT])) {
            $count = (int) $this->_parts[self::LIMIT_COUNT];

        /* * Add limits clause */
        if ($count > 0) {
            $sql = trim($this->_adapter->limit($sql$count$offset));

        return $sql;

    /** * Render FOR UPDATE clause * * @param string $sql SQL query * * @return string */
if (!empty($category)) {
            $category = (int) $category;
        } elseif ($this->frontController->Request()->getQuery('sCategory')) {
            $category = (int) $this->frontController->Request()->getQuery('sCategory');
        } else {
            $category = $this->categoryId;

        $context = $this->contextService->getShopContext();

        $criteria = $this->storeFrontCriteriaFactory->createBaseCriteria([$category]$context);

        $criteria->addSorting(new PopularitySorting(SortingInterface::SORT_DESC));


        $result = $this->searchService->search($criteria$context);
        $products = $this->legacyStructConverter->convertListProductStructList($result->getProducts());

            ['subject' => $this, 'category' => $category, 'articles' => $products]
        ->addMetaData('base_table', 'tracker_node');

    // This array acts as a placeholder for the data selected later     // while keeping the correct order.     $tracker_data = $query
      ->fields('t', ['nid', 'changed'])
      ->condition('t.published', 1)
      ->orderBy('t.changed', 'DESC')

    $cacheable_metadata = new CacheableMetadata();
    $rows = [];
    if (!empty($tracker_data)) {
      // Load nodes into an array with the same order as $tracker_data.       /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface[] $nodes */
      $nodes = $this->nodeStorage->loadMultiple(array_keys($tracker_data));

      // Enrich the node data.
private function makeTableRows(
        string $tableName,
        int $limitRows,
        int $limitFieldValue,
        ?string $sortField = null
    ): array {
        $this->tbody = [];

        $builder = $this->db->table($tableName);
        if ($sortField !== null) {
            $builder->orderBy($sortField$this->sortDesc ? 'DESC' : 'ASC');
        $rows = $builder->get()->getResultArray();

        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $row = array_map(
                static fn ($item): string => mb_strlen((string) $item) > $limitFieldValue
                    ? mb_substr((string) $item, 0, $limitFieldValue) . '...'
                    : (string) $item,


    private function addLimit(Request $request, Criteria $criteria): void
        $limit = (int) $request->getParam('sPerPage', $this->config->get('articlesPerPage'));
        $max = $this->config->get('maxStoreFrontLimit');
        if ($max) {
            $limit = min($limit$max);
        $limit = max($limit, 1);

    private function addIsAvailableCondition(Criteria $criteria): void
        if (!$this->config->get('hideNoInStock')) {
        $criteria->addBaseCondition(new IsAvailableCondition());

    private function addWeightCondition(Request $request, Criteria $criteria): void
->condition('c.entity_type', $entity->getEntityTypeId())
      ->condition('c.field_name', $field_name)
      ->condition('c.default_langcode', 1)
      ->addMetaData('base_table', 'comment')
      ->addMetaData('entity', $entity)
      ->addMetaData('field_name', $field_name);

    if ($comments_per_page) {
      $query = $query->extend(PagerSelectExtender::class)
      if ($pager_id) {

      $count_query = $this->database->select($data_table, 'c');
        ->condition('c.entity_id', $entity->id())
        ->condition('c.entity_type', $entity->getEntityTypeId())
        ->condition('c.field_name', $field_name)
        ->condition('c.default_langcode', 1)
protected function seoArticle($offset$limit$shop)

        $template = Shopware()->Template();
        $data = $template->createData();
        $data->assign('sConfig', Shopware()->Config());
        $data->assign('sRouter', $this->RewriteTable());
        $data->assign('sCategoryStart', $shop->getCategory()->getId());

        $sql = $this->RewriteTable()->getSeoArticleQuery();
        $sql = Shopware()->Db()->limit($sql$limit$offset);

        $shopFallbackId = ($shop->getFallback() instanceof \Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop) ? $shop->getFallback()->getId() : null;

        $articles = Shopware()->Db()->fetchAll($sql[

        $articles = $this->RewriteTable()->mapArticleTranslationObjectData($articles);

$prices[\count($prices) - 1]

    private function generateCriteria(Element $element, ShopContextInterface $context): Criteria
        $categoryId = (int) $element->getConfig()->get('article_category');
        $type = $element->getConfig()->get('article_type');

        $criteria = $this->criteriaFactory->createBaseCriteria([$categoryId]$context);

        switch ($type) {
            case self::TYPE_TOPSELLER:
                $criteria->addSorting(new PopularitySorting(SortingInterface::SORT_DESC));
            case self::TYPE_NEWCOMER:
                $criteria->addSorting(new ReleaseDateSorting(SortingInterface::SORT_DESC));
            case self::TYPE_RANDOM:
                $criteria->addSorting(new RandomSorting());


    $find = $query
      ->fields('i', ['langcode'])
      ->fields('hsi', ['section_plugin_id', 'topic_id'])
      // Since SearchQuery makes these into GROUP BY queries, if we add       // a field, for PostgreSQL we also need to make it an aggregate or a       // GROUP BY. In this case, we want GROUP BY.       ->groupBy('i.langcode')

    // Check query status and set messages if needed.     $status = $query->getStatus();

    if ($status & SearchQuery::EXPRESSIONS_IGNORED) {
      $this->messenger->addWarning($this->t('Your search used too many AND/OR expressions. Only the first @count terms were included in this search.', ['@count' => $this->searchSettings->get('and_or_limit')]));

    if ($status & SearchQuery::LOWER_CASE_OR) {
      $this->messenger->addWarning($this->t('Search for either of the two terms with uppercase <strong>OR</strong>. For example, <strong>cats OR dogs</strong>.'));
foreach ($criteriaList as $key => $originalCriteria) {
            $criteriaPosition = $this->getOptimizedCriteriaListPosition($originalCriteria$optimizedCriteriaList);

            if ($criteriaPosition !== false) {
                if (!isset($optimizedCriteriaList[$criteriaPosition]['criteria'])) {
                $existingCriteria = $optimizedCriteriaList[$criteriaPosition]['criteria'];

                // search requests already exists, increase limit to select more products and satisfy all requests                 $existingCriteria->limit($existingCriteria->getLimit() + $originalCriteria->getLimit());

                $optimizedCriteriaList[$criteriaPosition]['requests'][] = ['criteria' => $originalCriteria, 'key' => $key];

            $criteria = $this->getComparableCriteria($originalCriteria);

            $optimizedCriteriaList[] = [
                'criteria' => $criteria,
                'requests' => [
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