rebuildContainer example


    // The root user has the 'bypass node access' permission, which means the     // node grants cache context is not necessary.     $this->drupalLogin($this->rootUser);
    $this->drupalGet(new Url('node_access_test_auto_bubbling'));

    // Uninstall the module with the only hook_node_grants() implementation.     $this->container->get('module_installer')->uninstall(['node_access_test']);

    // Because there are no node grants defined, there also is no need for the     // node grants cache context to be bubbled.     $this->drupalGet(new Url('node_access_test_auto_bubbling'));

  /** * Tests that the user cache contexts are correctly set. */
  public function testNodeAccessCacheContext() {

    /** @var \Drupal\language\Config\LanguageConfigFactoryOverride $config_factory_override */
    $config_factory_override = \Drupal::service('language.config_factory_override');
    $this->assertEquals('en', $config_factory_override->getLanguage()->getId());


    // Invalidate the container.     $this->config('')->set('default_langcode', 'de')->save();

    $config_factory_override = \Drupal::service('language.config_factory_override');
    $this->assertEquals('de', $config_factory_override->getLanguage()->getId());

/** * Confirms entity is shown in user's language by default. */
  public function testEntityLanguage() {
    $language = ConfigurableLanguage::createFromLangcode('de');
      ->set('url.prefixes', ['de' => 'de'])

    // The container must be recreated after adding a new language.     $this->rebuildContainer();

    $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(['title' => 'English label']);
    $translation = $node->addTranslation('de');
    $translation->setTitle('Deutscher Titel')->save();

    $this->drupalGet("/paramconverter_test/node/" . $node->id() . "/test_language");
    $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains("English label");
    $this->drupalGet("paramconverter_test/node/" . $node->id() . "/test_language", ['language' => $language]);
    $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains("Deutscher Titel");

      $langcode_url = 'admin/structure/views/nojs/display/' . $view_name . '/' . $display . '/rendering_language';
      $assert_session->linkNotExistsExact('Content language selected for page');
      $this->assertSession()->linkNotExists('Content language of view row');

    // Make the site multilingual and test the options again.     $this->container->get('module_installer')->install(['language', 'content_translation']);

    // Language options should now exist with entity language the default.     foreach ($test_views as $view_name => $display) {
      $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/views/view/' . $view_name);
      $langcode_url = 'admin/structure/views/nojs/display/' . $view_name . '/' . $display . '/rendering_language';
      if ($view_name == 'test_view') {
        $assert_session->linkNotExistsExact('Content language selected for page');
        $this->assertSession()->linkNotExists('Content language of view row');
'#template' => 'test-with-context <label>{{ unsafe_content }}</label>',
      '#context' => ['unsafe_content' => $unsafe_string],
    $this->assertSame('test-with-context <label>' . Html::escape($unsafe_string) . '</label>', (string) $renderer->renderRoot($element));

    // Enable twig_auto_reload and twig_debug.     $settings = Settings::getAll();
    $settings['twig_debug'] = TRUE;
    $settings['twig_auto_reload'] = TRUE;

    new Settings($settings);
    $this->container = \Drupal::service('kernel')->rebuildContainer();

    $element = [];
    $element['test'] = [
      '#type' => 'inline_template',
      '#template' => 'test-with-context {{ llama }}',
      '#context' => ['llama' => 'muuh'],
    $element_copy = $element;
    // Render it twice so that twig caching is triggered.     $this->assertEquals('test-with-context muuh', $renderer->renderRoot($element));
protected function drupalLogin(AccountInterface $account) {
    $session_data = $this->container->get('session_handler.write_safe')->read($this->getSession()->getCookie($this->getSessionName()));
    $csrf_token_seed = unserialize(explode('_sf2_meta|', $session_data)[1])['s'];

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  protected function rebuildContainer() {

    // Ensure that the CSRF token seed is reset on container rebuild.     if ($this->loggedInUser) {
      $current_user = $this->loggedInUser;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
/** * {@inheritdoc} */
  protected function setUp($import_test_views = TRUE): void {
    $this->installSchema('node', 'node_access');

    // $this->installConfig('node');     $this->container->get('kernel')->rebuildContainer();

    $node_type = NodeType::create(['type' => 'article']);

      'field_name' => 'text',
      'entity_type' => 'node',
      'type' => 'string',

$user = $this->drupalCreateUser(['administer modules']);
    // Click the confirm button.     $this->click('#edit-submit');
    $this->assertSession()->responseContains('The selected modules have been uninstalled.');
    // We've uninstalled a module therefore we need to rebuild the container in     // the test runner.     $this->rebuildContainer();
    try {
      $this->fail('Uninstalled dblog module.');
    catch (ModuleUninstallValidatorException $e) {
      $this->assertStringContainsString('The Testing install profile dependencies module is required', $e->getMessage());

$this->assertTermAccess($unpublished_term, 'update', FALSE, "The following permissions are required: 'edit terms in {$vocabulary->id()}' OR 'administer taxonomy'.");

    $this->drupalGet('taxonomy/term/' . $published_term->id() . '/delete');
    $this->assertTermAccess($published_term, 'delete', FALSE, "The following permissions are required: 'delete terms in {$vocabulary->id()}' OR 'administer taxonomy'.");
    $this->drupalGet('taxonomy/term/' . $unpublished_term->id() . '/delete');
    $this->assertTermAccess($unpublished_term, 'delete', FALSE, "The following permissions are required: 'delete terms in {$vocabulary->id()}' OR 'administer taxonomy'.");

    // Install the Views module and repeat the checks for the 'view' permission.     \Drupal::service('module_installer')->install(['views'], TRUE);

    $this->drupalGet('taxonomy/term/' . $published_term->id());

    // @todo Change this assertion to expect a 403 status code when     // is fixed.     $this->drupalGet('taxonomy/term/' . $unpublished_term->id());

  /** * Checks access on taxonomy term. * * @param \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $term * A taxonomy term entity. * @param string $access_operation * The entity operation, e.g. 'view', 'edit', 'delete', etc. * @param bool $access_allowed * Whether the current use has access to the given operation or not. * @param string $access_reason * (optional) The reason of the access result. * * @internal */
/** * {@inheritdoc} */
  protected function setUp(): void {

    ConfigurableLanguage::create(['id' => 'es'])->save();
    ConfigurableLanguage::create(['id' => 'fr'])->save();

    // In order to reflect the changes for a multilingual site in the container     // we have to rebuild it.     $this->rebuildContainer();


    $user = $this->drupalCreateUser(['view test entity']);

  /** * Tests default with content language remaining same as interface language. */
  public function testDefaultConfiguration() {

  protected function setInstallProfile($profile) {
      ->set('profile', $profile)

    // The installation profile is provided by a container parameter. Saving     // the configuration doesn't automatically trigger invalidation     $this->container->get('kernel')->rebuildContainer();

  /** * Stops test execution. */
  protected function stop() {

  /** * Dumps the current state of the virtual filesystem to STDOUT. */
$this->drupalPlaceBlock('local_tasks_block', ['id' => 'test_role_admin_test_local_tasks_block']);

    // Create and log in user.     $this->adminUser = $this->drupalCreateUser($permissions);

    // Add languages.     foreach ($this->langcodes as $langcode) {

  public function testTranslatedStrings() {
    $translation_url = 'admin/structure/views/view/files/translate/fr/add';
    $edit_url = 'admin/structure/views/view/files';

    // Check the original string.     $this->drupalGet($edit_url);
    $this->assertSession()->titleEquals('Files (File) | Drupal');

    // Translate the label of the view.

  protected function enableViewsTestModule() {
    // Define the schema and views data variable before enabling the test module.     \Drupal::state()->set('views_test_data_schema', $this->schemaDefinition());
    \Drupal::state()->set('views_test_data_views_data', $this->viewsData());


    // Load the test dataset.     $data_set = $this->dataSet();
    $query = Database::getConnection()->insert('views_test_data')
    foreach ($data_set as $record) {

// Verify that getEntityClass with a non-existing bundle returns the entity     // class.     $entity_class = $this->storage->getEntityClass('custom');

  /** * Tests making use of a custom bundle class for an entity without bundles. */
  public function testEntityNoBundleSubclass() {
    $this->container->get('state')->set('entity_test_bundle_class_enable_user_class', TRUE);
    $entity = User::load(1);

  /** * Checks exception is thrown if two bundles share the same bundle class. * * @covers Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityStorageBase::create */
/** * Tests that late middlewares are automatically flagged lazy. */
  public function testLazyLateMiddlewares() {
    $this->assertFalse($this->container->getDefinition('http_middleware.reverse_proxy')->isLazy(), 'lazy flag on http_middleware.reverse_proxy definition is not set');
    $this->assertFalse($this->container->getDefinition('http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle')->isLazy(), 'lazy flag on http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle definition is not set');
    $this->assertFalse($this->container->getDefinition('http_middleware.session')->isLazy(), 'lazy flag on http_middleware.session definition is not set');
    $this->assertFalse($this->container->getDefinition('http_kernel.basic')->isLazy(), 'lazy flag on http_kernel.basic definition is not set');

    $this->container = \Drupal::service('kernel')->rebuildContainer();

    $this->assertFalse($this->container->getDefinition('http_middleware.reverse_proxy')->isLazy(), 'lazy flag on http_middleware.reverse_proxy definition is not set');
    $this->assertFalse($this->container->getDefinition('http_middleware.page_cache')->isLazy(), 'lazy flag on http_middleware.page_cache definition is not set');
    $this->assertTrue($this->container->getDefinition('http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle')->isLazy(), 'lazy flag on http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle definition is automatically set if page_cache is enabled.');
    $this->assertTrue($this->container->getDefinition('http_middleware.session')->isLazy(), 'lazy flag on http_middleware.session definition is automatically set if page_cache is enabled.');
    $this->assertTrue($this->container->getDefinition('http_kernel.basic')->isLazy(), 'lazy flag on http_kernel.basic definition is automatically set if page_cache is enabled.');

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