setScope example

/** * @return void */
    public function init()
        $this->blogBaseUrl = Shopware()->Config()->get('baseFile');

    public function preDispatch()

    /** * Helper Method to get access to the blog repository. * * @return BlogRepository */
    public function getRepository()
        if ($this->repository === null) {
            $this->repository = $this->get('models')->getRepository(Blog::class);
/** * @return void */
    public function init()
        $this->admin = Shopware()->Modules()->Admin();
        $this->customerService = Shopware()->Container()->get(CustomerServiceInterface::class);

    public function preDispatch()
        if ($this->shouldForwardToRegister()) {
            $this->forward('index', 'register', 'frontend', $this->getForwardParameters());

        $customerData = $this->admin->sGetUserData();
        if (!\is_array($customerData)) {
            $this->forward('index', 'register', 'frontend', $this->getForwardParameters());



    public function preDispatch()
        $events = Shopware()->Container()->get('events');
        $events->addListener('Shopware_Modules_Admin_Payment_Fallback', [$this, 'flagPaymentBlocked']);


        $this->View()->assign('sUserLoggedIn', $this->admin->sCheckUser());
        $this->View()->assign('sUserData', $this->getUserData());

    /** * @deprecated in 5.6, will be protected in 5.8 * * Called if the sAdmin resets the selected customer payment to the shop preset * * @return void */

class Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Note extends Enlight_Controller_Action
    /** * Pre dispatch method */
    public function preDispatch()
        $this->View()->assign('userInfo', $this->get('shopware_account.store_front_greeting_service')->fetch());

    public function postDispatch()
        Shopware()->Session()->set('sNotesQuantity', Shopware()->Modules()->Basket()->sCountNotes());

    /** * @return void */
use Shopware\Models\Customer\Customer;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Register extends Enlight_Controller_Action
    /** * Will be called from the dispatcher before an action is processed */
    public function preDispatch()

    /** * Will be called when no action is supplied */
    public function indexAction()
        $sTarget = $this->Request()->getParam('sTarget', 'account');
        $sTargetAction = $this->Request()->getParam('sTargetAction', 'index');


    public function testPayloadStructureBasic(): void
        $builder = new PromotionItemBuilder();

        $discount = new PromotionDiscountEntity();

        $currencyFactor = 0.3;

        $ruleCollection = new RuleCollection();

        $item = $builder->buildDiscountLineItem('my-Code-123', $this->promotion, $discount, 'C1', $currencyFactor);

        $expected = [
            'promotionId' => 'PR-1',
            'discountId' => 'D5',

class Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Compare extends Enlight_Controller_Action
    /** * @var sArticles */
    protected $articles;

    public function preDispatch()
        $this->articles = Shopware()->Modules()->Articles();

    public function indexAction()
        $this->View()->assign('sComparisons', $this->articles->sGetComparisons());

    public function addArticleAction()
        if (($productId = $this->Request()->getParam('articleID')) !== null) {
use Shopware_Components_Config as Config;

class Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Detail extends Enlight_Controller_Action
    /** * Pre dispatch method * * Sets the scope */
    public function preDispatch()

    /** * Error action method for not found/inactive products * Can throw an exception that is handled by the default error controller * or show a custom page with related products * * @return void */
    public function errorAction()

    public function testLineItemType(): void
        $currencyFactor = random_int(0, mt_getrandmax()) / mt_getrandmax();

        $builder = new PromotionItemBuilder();

        $discount = new PromotionDiscountEntity();

        $item = $builder->buildDiscountLineItem('', $this->promotion, $discount, 'C1', $currencyFactor);

        static::assertEquals(PromotionProcessor::LINE_ITEM_TYPE, $item->getType());

    /** * This test verifies that we always use the id of the * discount and not from the promotion for the item key. * If we have multiple discounts in a single promotion and use the promotion * id for the key, then we get duplicate key entries which leads to * errors like "line item not stackable". * * @group promotions * * @throws CartException * @throws UnknownPromotionDiscountTypeException */
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