spl_object_hash example

  public static function generateServiceIdHash($object) {
    @trigger_error(__METHOD__ . "() is deprecated in drupal:9.5.1 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use the 'Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\ReverseContainer' service instead. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3327942", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    // Include class name as an additional namespace for the hash since     // spl_object_hash's return can be recycled. This still is not a 100%     // guarantee to be unique but makes collisions incredibly difficult and even     // then the interface would be preserved.     // @see https://php.net/spl_object_hash#refsect1-function.spl-object-hash-notes     return hash('sha256', get_class($object) . spl_object_hash($object));

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function getServiceIdMapping() {
    @trigger_error(__METHOD__ . "() is deprecated in drupal:9.5.1 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use the 'Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\ReverseContainer' service instead. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3327942", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    return $this->serviceIdMapping;

$entity = EntityTestMul::create([
      'name' => 'test',
      'langcode' => $default_langcode,

    // Test that the default translation object is put into the translation     // object cache when a new translation object is initialized.     $entity = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage($entity->getEntityTypeId())->loadUnchanged($entity->id());
    $default_translation_spl_object_hash = spl_object_hash($entity);

    // Test that non-default translations are always served from the translation     // object cache.     $entity = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage($entity->getEntityTypeId())->loadUnchanged($entity->id());

$scheme$rest] = explode(':', $dsn, 2);
        $driver = strtok($scheme, '+');
        if (!\in_array($driver['pgsql', 'postgres', 'postgresql'])) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The adapter "%s" does not support the "%s" driver.', __CLASS__, $driver));

        return sprintf('%s:%s', $driver$rest);

    private function getInternalStore(): SharedLockStoreInterface
        $namespace = spl_object_hash($this->conn);

        return self::$storeRegistry[$namespace] ??= new InMemoryStore();
'has_children_error' => false,
             'children' => [
                 'child' => $childFormData,

            'forms' => [
                'name' => $formData,
            'forms_by_hash' => [
                spl_object_hash($this->form) => $formData,
                spl_object_hash($this->childForm) => $childFormData,
            'nb_errors' => 0,

    public function testBuildMultiplePreliminaryFormTrees()
        $form1 = $this->createForm('form1');
        $form2 = $this->createForm('form2');

return $array;

    /** * Parses an object into a Kint InstanceValue structure. * * @param object &$var The input variable * @param Value $o The base object */
    private function parseObject(&$var, Value $o): Value
        $hash = \spl_object_hash($var);
        $values = (array) $var;

        $object = new InstanceValue();
        $object->classname = \get_class($var);
        $object->spl_object_hash = $hash;
        $object->size = \count($values);

        if (KINT_PHP72) {
            $object->spl_object_id = \spl_object_id($var);

$container->loadFromExtension('framework', $config);

        $container->loadFromExtension('web_profiler', [
            'toolbar' => true,
            'intercept_redirects' => false,

    public function getCacheDir(): string
        return sys_get_temp_dir().'/cache-'.spl_object_hash($this);

    public function getLogDir(): string
        return sys_get_temp_dir().'/log-'.spl_object_hash($this);

    protected function build(ContainerBuilder $container): void
        $container->register('data_collector.dump', DumpDataCollector::class);
        $container->register('logger', NullLogger::class);
public function isObjectInitialized(string $cacheKey): bool
        return isset($this->initializedObjects[$cacheKey]);

    /** * @internal */
    public function generateCacheKey(object $object): string
        if (!isset($this->cachedObjectsRefs[$object])) {
            $this->cachedObjectsRefs[$object] = spl_object_hash($object);

        return $this->cachedObjectsRefs[$object];

    public function __clone()
        $this->violations = clone $this->violations;
->setParameter('{{ type }}', $e->getExpectedType())

    private function generateCacheKey(object $object, bool $dependsOnPropertyPath = false): string
        if ($this->context instanceof ExecutionContext) {
            $cacheKey = $this->context->generateCacheKey($object);
        } else {
            $cacheKey = spl_object_hash($object);

        if ($dependsOnPropertyPath) {
            $cacheKey .= $this->context->getPropertyPath();

        return $cacheKey;
/** * @author Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> */
final class CallbackTrigger implements TriggerInterface
    private \Closure $callback;
    private string $description;

    public function __construct(callable $callback, string $description = null)
        $this->callback = $callback(...);
        $this->description = $description ?? spl_object_hash($this->callback);

    public function __toString(): string
        return $this->description;

    public function getNextRunDate(\DateTimeImmutable $run): ?\DateTimeImmutable
        return ($this->callback)($run);
/** * @internal */
class KernelTestBehaviourTest extends TestCase
    use KernelTestBehaviour;

    private string $kernelId;

    protected function setUp(): void
        $this->kernelId = spl_object_hash($this->getKernel());

    protected function tearDown(): void
        if (!$this->kernelId === spl_object_hash($this->getKernel())) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Kernel has changed');

    public function testTheKernelIsEqual(): void
public function hasListeners(string $eventName = null): bool
        return $this->dispatcher->hasListeners($eventName);

    public function dispatch(object $event, string $eventName = null): object
        $eventName ??= $event::class;

        $this->callStack ??= new \SplObjectStorage();

        $currentRequestHash = $this->currentRequestHash = $this->requestStack && ($request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest()) ? spl_object_hash($request) : '';

        if (null !== $this->logger && $event instanceof StoppableEventInterface && $event->isPropagationStopped()) {
            $this->logger->debug(sprintf('The "%s" event is already stopped. No listeners have been called.', $eventName));

        try {
            try {
                $e = $this->stopwatch->start($eventName, 'section');
                try {
private function createRepository(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, string $entityName): ObjectRepository
        $metadata = $entityManager->getClassMetadata($entityName);
        $repositoryClassName = $metadata->customRepositoryClassName ?: $entityManager->getConfiguration()->getDefaultRepositoryClassName();

        return new $repositoryClassName($entityManager$metadata);

    private function getRepositoryHash(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, string $entityName): string
        return $entityManager->getClassMetadata($entityName)->getName().spl_object_hash($entityManager);

    if ( is_object( $callback ) ) {
        // Closures are currently implemented as objects.         $callback = array( $callback, '' );
    } else {
        $callback = (array) $callback;

    if ( is_object( $callback[0] ) ) {
        // Object class calling.         return spl_object_hash( $callback[0] ) . $callback[1];
    } elseif ( is_string( $callback[0] ) ) {
        // Static calling.         return $callback[0] . '::' . $callback[1];
->setParameter('{{ type }}', $e->getExpectedType())

    private function generateCacheKey(object $object, bool $dependsOnPropertyPath = false): string
        if ($this->context instanceof ExecutionContext) {
            $cacheKey = $this->context->generateCacheKey($object);
        } else {
            $cacheKey = spl_object_hash($object);

        if ($dependsOnPropertyPath) {
            $cacheKey .= $this->context->getPropertyPath();

        return $cacheKey;
'SunOS' => 'Solaris',

        return $map[\PHP_OS] ?? 'Unknown';

    public static function spl_object_id($object)
        if (null === self::$hashMask) {
        if (null === $hash = spl_object_hash($object)) {

        // On 32-bit systems, PHP_INT_SIZE is 4,         return self::$hashMask ^ hexdec(substr($hash, 16 - (\PHP_INT_SIZE * 2 - 1), \PHP_INT_SIZE * 2 - 1));

    public static function sapi_windows_vt100_support($stream$enable = null)
        if (!\is_resource($stream)) {
            trigger_error('sapi_windows_vt100_support() expects parameter 1 to be resource, '.\gettype($stream).' given', \E_USER_WARNING);

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