withUserInfo example

$uri = Utils::idnUriConvert($uri$idnOptions);

        $modify['uri'] = $uri;

        // Add the Referer header if it is told to do so and only         // add the header if we are not redirecting from https to http.         if ($options['allow_redirects']['referer']
            && $modify['uri']->getScheme() === $request->getUri()->getScheme()
        ) {
            $uri = $request->getUri()->withUserInfo('');
            $modify['set_headers']['Referer'] = (string) $uri;
        } else {
            $modify['remove_headers'][] = 'Referer';

        // Remove Authorization and Cookie headers if URI is cross-origin.         if (Psr7\UriComparator::isCrossOrigin($request->getUri()$modify['uri'])) {
            $modify['remove_headers'][] = 'Authorization';
            $modify['remove_headers'][] = 'Cookie';

            // by removing a duplicate query. But let's not do that automatically.             return $target;

        if ($target->getAuthority() !== '' && $base->getAuthority() !== $target->getAuthority()) {
            return $target->withScheme('');

        // We must remove the path before removing the authority because if the path starts with two slashes, the URI         // would turn invalid. And we also cannot set a relative path before removing the authority, as that is also         // invalid.         $emptyPathUri = $target->withScheme('')->withPath('')->withUserInfo('')->withPort(null)->withHost('');

        if ($base->getPath() !== $target->getPath()) {
            return $emptyPathUri->withPath(self::getRelativePath($base$target));

        if ($base->getQuery() === $target->getQuery()) {
            // Only the target fragment is left. And it must be returned even if base and target fragment are the same.             return $emptyPathUri->withQuery('');

        // If the base URI has a query but the target has none, we cannot return an empty path reference as it would
return new $className($message$request$response$previous$handlerContext);

    /** * Obfuscates URI if there is a username and a password present */
    private static function obfuscateUri(UriInterface $uri): UriInterface
        $userInfo = $uri->getUserInfo();

        if (false !== ($pos = \strpos($userInfo, ':'))) {
            return $uri->withUserInfo(\substr($userInfo, 0, $pos), '***');

        return $uri;

    /** * Get the request that caused the exception */
    public function getRequest(): RequestInterface
        return $this->request;
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