ClassStub example



        $a += [
            $prefix.'storage' => $c->getArrayCopy(),
            $prefix.'flag::STD_PROP_LIST' => (bool) ($flags & \ArrayObject::STD_PROP_LIST),
            $prefix.'flag::ARRAY_AS_PROPS' => (bool) ($flags & \ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS),
        if ($c instanceof \ArrayObject) {
            $a[$prefix.'iteratorClass'] = new ClassStub($c->getIteratorClass());

        return $a;
 else {
                            $collapse = true;
                    $label = substr_replace($label, "title=Stack level $j.&", 2, 0);
                $f = $frames[$i - 1];
                if ($trace->keepArgs && !empty($f['args']) && $frame instanceof EnumStub) {
                    $frame->value['arguments'] = new ArgsStub($f['args']$f['function'] ?? null, $f['class'] ?? null);
            } elseif ('???' !== $lastCall) {
                $label = new ClassStub($lastCall);
                if (isset($label->attr['ellipsis'])) {
                    $label->attr['ellipsis'] += 2;
                    $label = substr_replace($prefix, "ellipsis-type=class&ellipsis={$label->attr['ellipsis']}&ellipsis-tail=1&title=Stack level $j.", 2, 0).$label->value.'()';
                } else {
                    $label = substr_replace($prefix, "title=Stack level $j.", 2, 0).$label->value.'()';
            } else {
                $label = substr_replace($prefix, "title=Stack level $j.", 2, 0).$lastCall;
            $a[substr_replace($labelsprintf('separator=%s&', $frame instanceof EnumStub ? ' ' : ':'), 2, 0)] = $frame;

foreach (["\0Exception\0previous", "\0Exception\0trace"] as $k) {
                    if (isset($a[$k])) {

                return $a;
            FormInterface::class => fn (FormInterface $f, array $a) => [
                Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'name' => $f->getName(),
                Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'type_class' => new ClassStub($f->getConfig()->getType()->getInnerType()::class),
                Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'data' => $f->getData(),
foreach (["\0Exception\0previous", "\0Exception\0trace"] as $k) {
                    if (isset($a[$k])) {

                return $a;
            FormInterface::class => fn (FormInterface $f, array $a) => [
                Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'name' => $f->getName(),
                Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'type_class' => new ClassStub($f->getConfig()->getType()->getInnerType()::class),
                Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'data' => $f->getData(),


        $a += [
            $prefix.'storage' => $c->getArrayCopy(),
            $prefix.'flag::STD_PROP_LIST' => (bool) ($flags & \ArrayObject::STD_PROP_LIST),
            $prefix.'flag::ARRAY_AS_PROPS' => (bool) ($flags & \ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS),
        if ($c instanceof \ArrayObject) {
            $a[$prefix.'iteratorClass'] = new ClassStub($c->getIteratorClass());

        return $a;
            'returnsReference' => 'returnsReference',
            'returnType' => 'getReturnType',
            'class' => \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80111 ? 'getClosureCalledClass' : 'getClosureScopeClass',
            'this' => 'getClosureThis',

        if (isset($a[$prefix.'returnType'])) {
            $v = $a[$prefix.'returnType'];
            $v = $v instanceof \ReflectionNamedType ? $v->getName() : (string) $v;
            $a[$prefix.'returnType'] = new ClassStub($a[$prefix.'returnType'] instanceof \ReflectionNamedType && $a[$prefix.'returnType']->allowsNull() && 'mixed' !== $v ? '?'.$v : $v[class_exists($v, false) || interface_exists($v, false) || trait_exists($v, false) ? $v : '', '']);
        if (isset($a[$prefix.'class'])) {
            $a[$prefix.'class'] = new ClassStub($a[$prefix.'class']);
        if (isset($a[$prefix.'this'])) {
            $a[$prefix.'this'] = new CutStub($a[$prefix.'this']);

        foreach ($c->getParameters() as $v) {
            $k = '$'.$v->name;
            if ($v->isVariadic()) {

    private function collectMessage(string $busName, array $tracedMessage): array
        $message = $tracedMessage['message'];

        $debugRepresentation = [
            'bus' => $busName,
            'stamps' => $tracedMessage['stamps'] ?? null,
            'stamps_after_dispatch' => $tracedMessage['stamps_after_dispatch'] ?? null,
            'message' => [
                'type' => new ClassStub($message::class),
                'value' => $message,
            'caller' => $tracedMessage['caller'],

        if (isset($tracedMessage['exception'])) {
            $exception = $tracedMessage['exception'];

            $debugRepresentation['exception'] = [
                'type' => $exception::class,
                'value' => $exception,
 else {
                            $collapse = true;
                    $label = substr_replace($label, "title=Stack level $j.&", 2, 0);
                $f = $frames[$i - 1];
                if ($trace->keepArgs && !empty($f['args']) && $frame instanceof EnumStub) {
                    $frame->value['arguments'] = new ArgsStub($f['args']$f['function'] ?? null, $f['class'] ?? null);
            } elseif ('???' !== $lastCall) {
                $label = new ClassStub($lastCall);
                if (isset($label->attr['ellipsis'])) {
                    $label->attr['ellipsis'] += 2;
                    $label = substr_replace($prefix, "ellipsis-type=class&ellipsis={$label->attr['ellipsis']}&ellipsis-tail=1&title=Stack level $j.", 2, 0).$label->value.'()';
                } else {
                    $label = substr_replace($prefix, "title=Stack level $j.", 2, 0).$label->value.'()';
            } else {
                $label = substr_replace($prefix, "title=Stack level $j.", 2, 0).$lastCall;
            $a[substr_replace($labelsprintf('separator=%s&', $frame instanceof EnumStub ? ' ' : ':'), 2, 0)] = $frame;

<foo></foo><bar><span class=sf-dump-note>array:1</span> [<samp data-depth=1 class=sf-dump-expanded> <span class=sf-dump-index>0</span> => "<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span class=sf-dump-str title="11 characters"></span></a>" </samp>] </bar> EODUMP;


    public function testClassStub()
        $var = [new ClassStub('hello', [FooInterface::class, 'foo'])];

        $cloner = new VarCloner();
        $dumper = new HtmlDumper();
        $dumper->setDumpBoundaries('<bar>', '</bar>');
        $dump = $dumper->dump($cloner->cloneVar($var), true, ['fileLinkFormat' => '%f:%l']);

        $expectedDump = <<<'EODUMP' <foo></foo><bar><span class=sf-dump-note>array:1</span> [<samp data-depth=1 class=sf-dump-expanded> <span class=sf-dump-index>0</span> => "<a href="%sFooInterface.php:10" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span class=sf-dump-str title="39 characters">hello(?stdClass $a, stdClass $b = null)</span></a>" </samp>] </bar>
'php_intl_locale' => class_exists(\Locale::class, false) && \Locale::getDefault() ? \Locale::getDefault() : 'n/a',
            'php_timezone' => date_default_timezone_get(),
            'xdebug_enabled' => \extension_loaded('xdebug'),
            'apcu_enabled' => \extension_loaded('apcu') && filter_var(\ini_get('apc.enabled'), \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOL),
            'zend_opcache_enabled' => \extension_loaded('Zend OPcache') && filter_var(\ini_get('opcache.enable'), \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOL),
            'bundles' => [],
            'sapi_name' => \PHP_SAPI,

        if (isset($this->kernel)) {
            foreach ($this->kernel->getBundles() as $name => $bundle) {
                $this->data['bundles'][$name] = new ClassStub($bundle::class);

        if (preg_match('~^(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)(.+)?$~', $this->data['php_version']$matches) && isset($matches[2])) {
            $this->data['php_version'] = $matches[1];
            $this->data['php_version_extra'] = $matches[2];

    public function lateCollect(): void
'php_intl_locale' => class_exists(\Locale::class, false) && \Locale::getDefault() ? \Locale::getDefault() : 'n/a',
            'php_timezone' => date_default_timezone_get(),
            'xdebug_enabled' => \extension_loaded('xdebug'),
            'apcu_enabled' => \extension_loaded('apcu') && filter_var(\ini_get('apc.enabled'), \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOL),
            'zend_opcache_enabled' => \extension_loaded('Zend OPcache') && filter_var(\ini_get('opcache.enable'), \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOL),
            'bundles' => [],
            'sapi_name' => \PHP_SAPI,

        if (isset($this->kernel)) {
            foreach ($this->kernel->getBundles() as $name => $bundle) {
                $this->data['bundles'][$name] = new ClassStub($bundle::class);

        if (preg_match('~^(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)(.+)?$~', $this->data['php_version']$matches) && isset($matches[2])) {
            $this->data['php_version'] = $matches[1];
            $this->data['php_version_extra'] = $matches[2];

    public function reset(): void
 catch (\Exception) {
                // fail silently when the logout URL cannot be generated             }

            $this->data = [
                'enabled' => true,
                'authenticated' => (bool) $token->getUser(),
                'impersonated' => null !== $impersonatorUser,
                'impersonator_user' => $impersonatorUser,
                'impersonation_exit_path' => null,
                'token' => $token,
                'token_class' => $this->hasVarDumper ? new ClassStub($token::class) : $token::class,
                'logout_url' => $logoutUrl,
                'user' => $token->getUserIdentifier(),
                'roles' => $assignedRoles,
                'inherited_roles' => array_unique($inheritedRoles),
                'supports_role_hierarchy' => null !== $this->roleHierarchy,

        // collect voters and access decision manager information         if ($this->accessDecisionManager instanceof TraceableAccessDecisionManager) {
            $this->data['voter_strategy'] = $this->accessDecisionManager->getStrategy();

$attr[$k] = 'ERRMODE' === $k ? $errmode : $c->getAttribute(\constant('PDO::ATTR_'.$k));
                if ($v && isset($v[$attr[$k]])) {
                    $attr[$k] = new ConstStub($v[$attr[$k]]$attr[$k]);
            } catch (\Exception) {
        if (isset($attr[$k = 'STATEMENT_CLASS'][1])) {
            if ($attr[$k][1]) {
                $attr[$k][1] = new ArgsStub($attr[$k][1], '__construct', $attr[$k][0]);
            $attr[$k][0] = new ClassStub($attr[$k][0]);

        $prefix = Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL;
        $a += [
            $prefix.'inTransaction' => method_exists($c, 'inTransaction'),
            $prefix.'errorInfo' => $c->errorInfo(),
            $prefix.'attributes' => new EnumStub($attr),

        if ($a[$prefix.'inTransaction']) {
            $a[$prefix.'inTransaction'] = $c->inTransaction();

        return $this->stoppedPropagation;

    public function getPretty(): string
        return $this->pretty;

    public function getInfo(string $eventName): array
        $this->stub ??= self::$hasClassStub ? new ClassStub($this->pretty.'()', $this->callableRef ?? $this->listener) : $this->pretty.'()';

        return [
            'event' => $eventName,
            'priority' => $this->priority ??= $this->dispatcher?->getListenerPriority($eventName$this->listener),
            'pretty' => $this->pretty,
            'stub' => $this->stub,

    public function __invoke(object $event, string $eventName, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): void
            'returnsReference' => 'returnsReference',
            'returnType' => 'getReturnType',
            'class' => \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80111 ? 'getClosureCalledClass' : 'getClosureScopeClass',
            'this' => 'getClosureThis',

        if (isset($a[$prefix.'returnType'])) {
            $v = $a[$prefix.'returnType'];
            $v = $v instanceof \ReflectionNamedType ? $v->getName() : (string) $v;
            $a[$prefix.'returnType'] = new ClassStub($a[$prefix.'returnType'] instanceof \ReflectionNamedType && $a[$prefix.'returnType']->allowsNull() && 'mixed' !== $v ? '?'.$v : $v[class_exists($v, false) || interface_exists($v, false) || trait_exists($v, false) ? $v : '', '']);
        if (isset($a[$prefix.'class'])) {
            $a[$prefix.'class'] = new ClassStub($a[$prefix.'class']);
        if (isset($a[$prefix.'this'])) {
            $a[$prefix.'this'] = new CutStub($a[$prefix.'this']);

        foreach ($c->getParameters() as $v) {
            $k = '$'.$v->name;
            if ($v->isVariadic()) {
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