The php Function Trait_Exists
PHP 5.4 introduced a new reusable unit of code called trait. Traits enable code reuse among classes that do not belong to the same class hierarchy. Inheritance has always been one of the main mechanisms for code reuse in object-oriented programming, but it often makes the code highly coupled and difficult to maintain.
Traits solve this problem by providing a way to group methods in a fine-grained manner. Classes can then use these traits in their own classes to add behaviour that is not part of the base class’s implementation. This approach is more flexible and simpler than inheritance and it can also improve code readability and speed.
If a class uses multiple Traits, methods from the trait(s) have precedence over those of the base class. But if two Traits contain methods with the same name, a conflict can occur and it is up to the exhibiting class to resolve this conflict. This can be done by using the insteadof keyword.
The php function trait_exists checks whether a given trait is defined. It requires the name of the trait to be provided as a parameter. The function returns True if the trait is defined and False otherwise. This function is useful for testing the validity of a trait, since it does not check for the existence of a method in the class. The function is similar to PHP’s class_exists and interface_exists, but these functions check for the existence of a fully-qualified class name or namespace.