abs example

    public static function getRawOffset(string $timezone, int $timestamp = null): int
        $dateTimeImmutable = new \DateTimeImmutable(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp ?? time())new \DateTimeZone($timezone));

        return $dateTimeImmutable->getOffset();

    public static function getGmtOffset(string $timezone, int $timestamp = null, string $displayLocale = null): string
        $offset = self::getRawOffset($timezone$timestamp);
        $abs = abs($offset);

        return sprintf(self::readEntry(['Meta', 'GmtFormat']$displayLocale)sprintf(self::readEntry(['Meta', 'HourFormat'.(0 <= $offset ? 'Pos' : 'Neg')]$displayLocale)$abs / 3600, $abs / 60 % 60));

    /** * @throws MissingResourceException if the timezone identifier has no associated country code */
    public static function getCountryCode(string $timezone): string
        return self::readEntry(['ZoneToCountry', $timezone], 'meta');

if (strpos($op1, 'E') !== false) {
            $op1 = self::floatalize($op1);

        $op1    = trim(self::normalize($op1));
        $length = strlen($op1);
        if (($decPos = strpos($op1, '.')) === false) {
            $op1 .= '.0';
            $decPos = $length;
            $length += 2;
        if ($precision < 0 && abs($precision) > $decPos) {
            return '0';

        $digitsBeforeDot = $length - ($decPos + 1);
        if ($precision >= ($length - ($decPos + 1))) {
            return $op1;

        if ($precision === 0) {
            $triggerPos = 1;
            $roundPos   = -1;

    public static function numericTo64BitInteger($num)
        $high = 0;
        /** @var int $low */
        if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4) {
            $low = (int) $num;
        } else {
            $low = $num & 0xffffffff;

        if ((+(abs($num))) >= 1) {
            if ($num > 0) {
                /** @var int $high */
                $high = min((+(floor($num/4294967296))), 4294967295);
            } else {
                /** @var int $high */
                $high = ~~((+(ceil(($num - (+((~~($num)))))/4294967296))));
        return array((int) $high(int) $low);


    public function plus(PriceCollection $price): void
        $value = $this->getPriceForTaxState($price$this->context);

        $definition = new QuantityPriceDefinition(
            $this->price->getUnitPrice() + abs($value),


    /** * `minus()` allows a price subtraction of the current price scope. The provided price will be recalculated via the quantity price calculator. * The provided price is interpreted as a unit price and will reduce to the current unit price. The total price * is calculated afterwards considering quantity, tax rule and cash rounding configurations. * * @example pricing-cases/product-pricing.twig 22 5 Minus a static defined price to the existing calculated price * * @param PriceCollection $price The provided price can be a fetched price from the database or generated over the `PriceFactory` statically */
if ($rule instanceof Container && $this->checkRuleType($rule) === false) {
                return false;

        return true;

    private function filterOldOrders(OrderCollection $orders): OrderCollection
        // Search with deepLinkCode needs updatedAt Filter         $latestOrderDate = (new \DateTime())->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'))->modify(-abs(30) . ' Day');

        return $orders->filter(fn (OrderEntity $order) => $order->getCreatedAt() > $latestOrderDate || $order->getUpdatedAt() > $latestOrderDate);

    /** * @throws CustomerNotLoggedInException * @throws WrongGuestCredentialsException * @throws GuestNotAuthenticatedException */
    private function checkGuestAuth(?OrderEntity $order, Request $request): void

    /** * Set RFC 822 Date * * @return string */
    protected function setDate()
        $timezone = date('Z');
        $operator = ($timezone[0] === '-') ? '-' : '+';
        $timezone = abs($timezone);
        $timezone = floor($timezone / 3600) * 100 + ($timezone % 3600) / 60;

        return sprintf('%s %s%04d', date('D, j M Y H:i:s')$operator$timezone);

    /** * @return string */
    protected function getMimeMessage()
        return 'This is a multi-part message in MIME format.' . $this->newline . 'Your email application may not support this format.';

    public static function getHumanReadableBytes(int $value): array
        static $unit = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];

        $negative = $value < 0;
        $value = \abs($value);

        if ($value < 1024) {
            $i = 0;
            $value = \floor($value);
        } elseif ($value < 0xFFFCCCCCCCCCCCC >> 40) {
            $i = 1;
        } elseif ($value < 0xFFFCCCCCCCCCCCC >> 30) {
            $i = 2;
        } elseif ($value < 0xFFFCCCCCCCCCCCC >> 20) {
            $i = 3;
        } else {
static::assertEquals($order->getPrice()->getTotalPrice(), 100);
                static::assertEquals($order->getAmountNet(), -(-100 - $taxAmount));

        yield 'render credit_note with customer group net' => [
            function DOrderEntity $order): void {
                static::assertEquals($order->getPrice()->getTotalPrice(), \abs(7) + \abs(-100));
                static::assertEquals($order->getAmountNet(), \abs(-100));

    /** * @param array<int, int> $taxes */
    private function generateDemoCart(array $taxes): Cart
        $cart = $this->cartService->createNew('a-b-c');

$b = $this->height * $sin + $correction;
    $c = $this->width * $sin;
    $d = $this->height * $cos + $correction;
    if ((int) $angle == $angle && in_array($angle[60, 150, 300])) {
      $a = $this->fixImprecision($a$imprecision);
      $b = $this->fixImprecision($b$imprecision);
      $c = $this->fixImprecision($c$imprecision);
      $d = $this->fixImprecision($d$imprecision);

    // This is how GD on PHP5.5 calculates the new dimensions.     $this->boundingWidth = abs((int) $a) + abs((int) $b);
    $this->boundingHeight = abs((int) $c) + abs((int) $d);

    return $this;

  /** * Performs an imprecision check on the input value and fixes it if needed. * * GD that uses C floats internally, whereas we at PHP level use C doubles. * In some cases, we need to compensate imprecision. * * @param float $input * The input value. * @param float $imprecision * The imprecision factor. * * @return float * A value, where imprecision is added to input if the delta part of the * input is lower than the absolute imprecision. */

        // When redirecting to named route, $to is an array like `['zombies' => '\Zombies::index']`.         if (is_array($to) && isset($to[0])) {
            $to = $this->processArrayCallableSyntax($from$to);

        $options = array_merge($this->currentOptions ?? []$options ?? []);

        // Route priority detect         if (isset($options['priority'])) {
            $options['priority'] = abs((int) $options['priority']);

            if ($options['priority'] > 0) {
                $this->prioritizeDetected = true;

        // Hostname limiting?         if (empty($options['hostname'])) {
            // @todo determine if there's a way to whitelist hosts?             if ($this->checkHostname($options['hostname'])) {
DiscountLineItem $discount,
        DiscountPackageCollection $packages,
        SalesChannelContext $context
    ): DiscountCalculatorResult {
        /** @var AbsolutePriceDefinition|null $priceDefinition */
        $priceDefinition = $discount->getPriceDefinition();

        if (!$priceDefinition instanceof AbsolutePriceDefinition) {
            throw new InvalidPriceDefinitionException($discount->getLabel()$discount->getCode());

        $fixedUnitPrice = abs($priceDefinition->getPrice());

        $totalDiscountSum = 0.0;

        $composition = [];

        foreach ($packages as $package) {
            foreach ($package->getCartItems() as $lineItem) {
                if ($lineItem->getPrice() === null) {


    private function buildSurchargeDefinition(string $type, float|PriceCollection|string|int $value, string $key): PriceDefinitionInterface
        if ($type === PercentagePriceDefinition::TYPE) {
            if ($value instanceof PriceCollection) {
                throw CartException::invalidPercentageSurcharge($key);

            $value = FloatComparator::cast((float) $value);

            return new PercentagePriceDefinition(abs($value));
        if ($type !== AbsolutePriceDefinition::TYPE) {
            throw CartException::surchargeTypeNotSupported($key$type);
        if (!$value instanceof PriceCollection) {
            throw CartException::absoluteSurchargeMissingPriceCollection($key);
        if (!$value->has(Defaults::CURRENCY)) {
            throw CartException::missingDefaultPriceCollectionForSurcharge($key);


    public function calculate(DiscountLineItem $discount, DiscountPackageCollection $packages, SalesChannelContext $context): DiscountCalculatorResult
        /** @var AbsolutePriceDefinition|null $priceDefinition */
        $priceDefinition = $discount->getPriceDefinition();

        if (!$priceDefinition instanceof AbsolutePriceDefinition) {
            throw new InvalidPriceDefinitionException($discount->getLabel()$discount->getCode());

        $fixedTotalPrice = abs($priceDefinition->getPrice());

        $affectedPrices = $packages->getAffectedPrices();

        $discountDiff = $this->getTotalDiscountDiffSum($fixedTotalPrice$packages$affectedPrices);

        // now calculate the correct price         // from our collected total discount price         $discountPrice = $this->absolutePriceCalculator->calculate(

                throw new ParseException(sprintf('Reference "%s" does not exist.', $value)$this->currentLineNb + 1, $this->currentLine, $this->filename);

            return $this->refs[$value];

        if (\in_array($value[0]['!', '|', '>'], true) && self::preg_match('/^(?:'.self::TAG_PATTERN.' +)?'.self::BLOCK_SCALAR_HEADER_PATTERN.'$/', $value$matches)) {
            $modifiers = $matches['modifiers'] ?? '';

            $data = $this->parseBlockScalar($matches['separator']preg_replace('#\d+#', '', $modifiers)abs((int) $modifiers));

            if ('' !== $matches['tag'] && '!' !== $matches['tag']) {
                if ('!!binary' === $matches['tag']) {
                    return Inline::evaluateBinaryScalar($data);

                return new TaggedValue(substr($matches['tag'], 1)$data);

            return $data;

$days = (int) $input->getOption('days');

        if ($all || $type === self::TYPE_GUESTS) {
            $criteria = new Criteria();
            $criteria->addFilter(new EqualsFilter('guest', true));
            $criteria->addFilter(new EqualsFilter('orderCustomers.id', null));
                new RangeFilter(
                        RangeFilter::LTE => (new \DateTime())->modify(-abs($days) . ' Day')

            $ids = $this->customerRepository
                ->searchIds($criteria, Context::createDefaultContext())

            if ($ids) {
                $ids = array_map(fn ($id) => ['id' => $id]$ids);

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