extract example

private function addElementToGhost(): string
        if (!isset(self::GHOST_ADDONS[date('m-d')])) {
            return '';

        return '<path d="'.self::GHOST_ADDONS[date('m-d')].'" fill="#fff" fill-opacity="0.6"></path>';

    private function include(string $name, array $context = []): string
        extract($context, \EXTR_SKIP);

        include is_file(\dirname(__DIR__).'/Resources/'.$name) ? \dirname(__DIR__).'/Resources/'.$name : $name;

        return trim(ob_get_clean());

    /** * Allows overriding the default non-debug template. * * @param string $template path to the custom template file to render */

    public function testExtraction($resource)
        // Arrange         $extractor = new PhpExtractor();
        $catalogue = new MessageCatalogue('en');

        // Act         $extractor->extract($resource$catalogue);

        $expectedHeredoc = <<<EOF heredoc key with whitespace and escaped \$\n sequences EOF;
        $expectedNowdoc = <<<'EOF' nowdoc key with whitespace and nonescaped \$\n sequences EOF;
        // Assert         $expectedCatalogue = [
            'messages' => [
                'translatable single-quoted key' => 'prefixtranslatable single-quoted key',
if ( is_array( $wp_query->query_vars ) ) {
        /* * This use of extract() cannot be removed. There are many possible ways that * templates could depend on variables that it creates existing, and no way to * detect and deprecate it. * * Passing the EXTR_SKIP flag is the safest option, ensuring globals and * function variables cannot be overwritten. */
        // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DontExtract.extract_extract         extract( $wp_query->query_vars, EXTR_SKIP );

    if ( isset( $s ) ) {
        $s = esc_attr( $s );

    /** * Fires before a template file is loaded. * * @since 6.1.0 * * @param string $_template_file The full path to the template file. * @param bool $load_once Whether to require_once or require. * @param array $args Additional arguments passed to the template. */

function _unzip_file_pclzip( $file$to$needed_dirs = array() ) {
    global $wp_filesystem;


    require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php';

    $archive = new PclZip( $file );

    $archive_files = $archive->extract( PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING );


    // Is the archive valid?     if ( ! is_array( $archive_files ) ) {
        return new WP_Error( 'incompatible_archive', __( 'Incompatible Archive.' )$archive->errorInfo( true ) );

    if ( 0 === count( $archive_files ) ) {
        return new WP_Error( 'empty_archive_pclzip', __( 'Empty archive.' ) );


        if (!\is_array($value)) {
            throw new ExpectedArrayException($parameters->getPath() . '/' . $key);

        foreach ($value as $keyValue => $subresources) {
            if (!\is_array($subresources)) {
                throw new ExpectedArrayException($parameters->getPath() . '/' . $key);

                    $parameters->getPath() . '/' . $key . '/' . $keyValue

        yield from [];


        if (!$source->exists) {
            if ($_template->parent instanceof Smarty_Internal_Template) {
                $parent_resource = " in '{$_template->parent->template_resource}'";
            } else {
                $parent_resource = '';
            throw new SmartyException("Unable to load template {$source->type} '{$source->name}'{$parent_resource}");

        // prepare variables         extract($_template->getTemplateVars());

        // include PHP template with short open tags enabled         ini_set( 'short_open_tag', '1' );
        ini_set( 'short_open_tag', $this->short_open_tag );

'<?php endif; ?>',

        // Parse the PHP itself, or insert an error so they can debug         ob_start();

        if ($this->tempData === null) {
            $this->tempData = $this->data;


        try {
            eval('?>' . $template . '<?php ');
        } catch (ParseError $e) {

            throw ViewException::forTagSyntaxError(str_replace(['?>', '<?php '], '', $template));

        return ob_get_clean();

return $this;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function extract($path, array $files = []) {
    if ($files) {
      $this->tar->extractList($files$path, '', FALSE, FALSE);
    else {
      $this->tar->extract($path, FALSE, FALSE);

    return $this;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function listContents() {
    $files = [];
    foreach ($this->tar->listContent() as $file_data) {
if (!$field instanceof OneToOneAssociationField) {
            throw DataAbstractionLayerException::invalidSerializerField(OneToOneAssociationField::class$field);

        if (!\is_array($data->getValue())) {
            throw new ExpectedArrayException($parameters->getPath());

        $reference = $field->getReferenceDefinition();
        $value = $data->getValue();

                $parameters->getPath() . '/' . $data->getKey()

        yield from [];

    public function decode(Field $field, mixed $value): never
if (!\is_array($value)) {
            throw new ExpectedArrayException($path);

        foreach ($value as $languageId => $translation) {
            $clonedParams = $parameters->cloneForSubresource(
                $path . '/' . $languageId


        // the validation is only required for new entities         if ($existence->exists()) {

        $languageIds = array_keys($value);
        // the translation in the system language is always required for new entities,         // if there is at least one required translated field         if ($referenceDefinition->hasRequiredField() && !\in_array(Defaults::LANGUAGE_SYSTEM, $languageIds, true)) {
if ($candidateViews === []) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf(
                'Cannot locate the view file for the "%s" cell.',

        $foundView = current($candidateViews);

        return (function D) use ($properties$foundView): string {
            include $foundView;

            return ob_get_clean();

    /** * Provides capability to render on string casting. */
    public function __toString()
KeyValuePair $data,
        WriteParameterBag $parameters
    ): \Generator {
        if (!$field instanceof ManyToOneAssociationField) {
            throw DataAbstractionLayerException::invalidSerializerField(ManyToOneAssociationField::class$field);

        if (!\is_array($data->getValue())) {
            throw new ExpectedArrayException($parameters->getPath());

                $parameters->getPath() . '/' . $data->getKey()

        yield from [];

    public function decode(Field $field, mixed $value): never
private function addElementToGhost(): string
        if (!isset(self::GHOST_ADDONS[date('m-d')])) {
            return '';

        return '<path d="'.self::GHOST_ADDONS[date('m-d')].'" fill="#fff" fill-opacity="0.6"></path>';

    private function include(string $name, array $context = []): string
        extract($context, \EXTR_SKIP);

        include is_file(\dirname(__DIR__).'/Resources/'.$name) ? \dirname(__DIR__).'/Resources/'.$name : $name;

        return trim(ob_get_clean());

    /** * Allows overriding the default non-debug template. * * @param string $template path to the custom template file to render */

        $startTime = $checkpoint->from();
        $lastTime = $checkpoint->time();
        $lastIndex = $checkpoint->index();
        $heap = $this->heap($lastTime$startTime);

        while (!$heap->isEmpty() && $heap->top()[0] <= $now) {
            /** @var \DateTimeImmutable $time */
            /** @var int $index */
            /** @var RecurringMessage $recurringMessage */
            [$time$index$recurringMessage] = $heap->extract();
            $id = $recurringMessage->getId();
            $trigger = $recurringMessage->getTrigger();
            $yield = true;

            if ($time < $lastTime) {
                $time = $lastTime;
                $yield = false;
            } elseif ($time == $lastTime && $index <= $lastIndex) {
                $yield = false;


    public function addHtmlContent(string $content, string $charset = 'UTF-8')
        $dom = $this->parseHtmlString($content$charset);

        $base = $this->filterRelativeXPath('descendant-or-self::base')->extract(['href']);

        $baseHref = current($base);
        if (\count($base) && !empty($baseHref)) {
            if ($this->baseHref) {
                $linkNode = $dom->createElement('a');
                $linkNode->setAttribute('href', $baseHref);
                $link = new Link($linkNode$this->baseHref);
                $this->baseHref = $link->getUri();
            } else {
                $this->baseHref = $baseHref;
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