getTextBody example

    /** * @param RawMessage $message */
    protected function matches($message): bool
        if (RawMessage::class === $message::class || Message::class === $message::class) {
            throw new \LogicException('Unable to test a message text body on a RawMessage or Message instance.');

        return str_contains($message->getTextBody()$this->expectedText);

    /** * @param RawMessage $message */
    protected function failureDescription($message): string
        return 'the Email text body '.$this->toString();


    public function testHtmlContent()
        $handler = new MailerHandler($this->mailer, (new Email())->subject('Alert: %level_name% %message%'));
        $handler->setFormatter(new HtmlFormatter());
            ->with($this->callback(fn (Email $email) => 'Alert: WARNING message' === $email->getSubject() && null === $email->getTextBody()))
        $handler->handle($this->getRecord(Logger::WARNING, 'message'));

    protected function getRecord($level = Logger::WARNING, $message = 'test', $context = []): array|LogRecord
        return RecordFactory::create($level$message, context: $context);

    protected function getMultipleRecords(): array
private function getEndpoint(): ?string
        return ($this->host ?: self::HOST).($this->port ? ':'.$this->port : '');

    private function getPayload(Email $email, Envelope $envelope): array
        $payload = [
            'key' => $this->key,
            'message' => [
                'html' => $email->getHtmlBody(),
                'text' => $email->getTextBody(),
                'subject' => $email->getSubject(),
                'from_email' => $envelope->getSender()->getAddress(),
                'to' => $this->getRecipientsPayload($email$envelope),

        if ('' !== $envelope->getSender()->getName()) {
            $payload['message']['from_name'] = $envelope->getSender()->getName();

        foreach ($email->getAttachments() as $attachment) {
$payload['reply_to'] = current($this->prepareAddresses($replyTo));

        if ($cc = $email->getCc()) {
            $payload['cc'] = $this->prepareAddresses($cc);

        if ($bcc = $email->getBcc()) {
            $payload['bcc'] = $this->prepareAddresses($bcc);

        if ($email->getTextBody()) {
            $payload['text'] = $email->getTextBody();

        if ($email->getHtmlBody()) {
            $payload['html'] = $email->getHtmlBody();

        return $payload;

    /** * @param Address[] $addresses */
$payload['attachment'] = $attachements;
        if ($emails = $email->getReplyTo()) {
            $payload['replyTo'] = current($this->stringifyAddresses($emails));
        if ($emails = $email->getCc()) {
            $payload['cc'] = $this->stringifyAddresses($emails);
        if ($emails = $email->getBcc()) {
            $payload['bcc'] = $this->stringifyAddresses($emails);
        if ($email->getTextBody()) {
            $payload['textContent'] = $email->getTextBody();
        if ($email->getHtmlBody()) {
            $payload['htmlContent'] = $email->getHtmlBody();
        if ($headersAndTags = $this->prepareHeadersAndTags($email->getHeaders())) {
            $payload = array_merge($payload$headersAndTags);

        return $payload;

$transport = (new FakeSmsEmailTransport($mailer$to = '', $from = ''));


        /** @var Email $sentEmail */
        $sentEmail = $mailer->getSentEmail();
        $this->assertSame(sprintf('New SMS on phone number: %s', $phone)$sentEmail->getSubject());

    public function testSendWithCustomTransport()
        $transportName = 'mailchimp';

        $message = new SmsMessage($phone = '0611223344', $subject = 'Hello!');

        $mailer = new DummyMailer();

'points' => 3,


        $bodyText = $caughtEvent->getMessage()->getTextBody();
        $bodyText = \is_string($bodyText) ? $bodyText : '';

    private function assertReviewCount(int $expected): void
        $count = $this->getContainer()
            ->fetchOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM product_review WHERE product_id = :id', ['id' => Uuid::fromHexToBytes($this->ids->get('product'))]);


    /** * @param array<int, string[]> $productDownloads */
    private function assertDispatchedMailEvent(array $productDownloads, ?MailBeforeSentEvent $mailEvent): void

        $files = array_merge(...$productDownloads);
        foreach ($files as $file) {

    /** * @param array<int, string[]> $productDownloads */
    private function addProducts(Cart $cart, array $productDownloads): Cart
if ($template = $message->getTextTemplate()) {

        if ($template = $message->getHtmlTemplate()) {


        // if text body is empty, compute one from the HTML body         if (!$message->getTextBody() && null !== $html = $message->getHtmlBody()) {
            $text = $this->converter->convert(\is_resource($html) ? stream_get_contents($html) : $html$message->getHtmlCharset());
$message['Cc'] = $this->formatAddresses($emails);
        if ($emails = $email->getBcc()) {
            $message['Bcc'] = $this->formatAddresses($emails);
        if ($emails = $email->getReplyTo()) {
            if (1 < $length = \count($emails)) {
                throw new TransportException(sprintf('Mailjet\'s API only supports one Reply-To email, %d given.', $length));
            $message['ReplyTo'] = $this->formatAddress($emails[0]);
        if ($email->getTextBody()) {
            $message['TextPart'] = $email->getTextBody();
        if ($html) {
            $message['HTMLPart'] = $html;

        foreach ($email->getHeaders()->all() as $header) {
            if ($convertConf = self::HEADER_TO_MESSAGE[$header->getName()] ?? false) {
                $message[$convertConf[0]] = $this->castCustomHeader($header->getBodyAsString()$convertConf[1]);
$personalization['custom_args'] = $customArguments;

        $payload['personalizations'][] = $personalization;

        return $payload;

    private function getContent(Email $email): array
        $content = [];
        if (null !== $text = $email->getTextBody()) {
            $content[] = ['type' => 'text/plain', 'value' => $text];
        if (null !== $html = $email->getHtmlBody()) {
            $content[] = ['type' => 'text/html', 'value' => $html];

        return $content;

    private function getAttachments(Email $email): array
$this->addressesFormData($fields, 'cc', $email->getCc());

        if ($email->getBcc()) {
            $this->addressesFormData($fields, 'bcc', $email->getBcc());

        if ($email->getReplyTo()) {
            $this->addressesFormData($fields, 'replyto', $email->getReplyTo());

        if ($email->getTextBody()) {
            $fields['text'] = $email->getTextBody();

        if ($email->getHtmlBody()) {
            $fields['HTML'] = $email->getHtmlBody();


        foreach ($email->getHeaders()->all() as $header) {
            if ($convertConf = self::HEADER_TO_MESSAGE[$header->getName()] ?? false) {
'subject' => 'Test',
            'senderEmail' => '',

        $mail = $mailService->send($data, Context::createDefaultContext()[
            'text' => '<foobar>',
            'url' => '',

        static::assertEquals('<a href=";bar=baz">&lt;foobar&gt;</a>', $mail->getHtmlBody());
        static::assertEquals('<foobar>', $mail->getTextBody());

/** * @internal */
class TestEnvironment extends Environment
    /** * @var array<int, mixed[]> */
$e = new Email();
        $e->setBody($text = new TextPart('text content'));

    public function testGenerateBodyWithTextOnly()
        $text = new TextPart('text content');
        $e = (new Email())->from('')->to('');
        $e->text('text content');
        $this->assertEquals('text content', $e->getTextBody());

    public function testGenerateBodyWithHtmlOnly()
        $html = new TextPart('html content', 'utf-8', 'html');
        $e = (new Email())->from('')->to('');
        $e->html('html content');
        $this->assertEquals('html content', $e->getHtmlBody());


    /** * @param RawMessage $message */
    protected function matches($message): bool
        if (RawMessage::class === $message::class || Message::class === $message::class) {
            throw new \LogicException('Unable to test a message text body on a RawMessage or Message instance.');

        return str_contains($message->getTextBody()$this->expectedText);

    /** * @param RawMessage $message */
    protected function failureDescription($message): string
        return 'the Email text body '.$this->toString();
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