setBody example

 elseif (\is_string($this->padding) && $this->padding !== '') {
            $content = $response->getBody();
        } else {

        // Convert content to json         $content = $this->convertToJson($content);

        if (\is_string($this->padding) && $this->padding !== '') {
            $response->setHeader('Content-type', 'text/javascript', true);
        } elseif ($this->renderer === true) {
            $response->setHeader('Content-type', 'application/json', true);

        $this->padding = null;
        $this->encoding = 'UTF-8';
        $this->renderer = false;

    /** * Sometimes it is necessary to pad an JSON object into a javascript function. If this behaviour is needed * this method can be called with a true value as parameter to enable the padding mode. * If this mode is active the system takes the name found in the GET parameter 'callback' as the javascript function * name. * * @param bool $padding * * @return Enlight_Controller_Plugins_Json_Bootstrap */
// Replace style and script placeholders with nonces         $pattern = '/(' . preg_quote($this->styleNonceTag, '/')
            . '|' . preg_quote($this->scriptNonceTag, '/') . ')/';

        $body = preg_replace_callback($patternfunction D$match) {
            $nonce = $match[0] === $this->styleNonceTag ? $this->getStyleNonce() : $this->getScriptNonce();

            return "nonce=\"{$nonce}\"";


    /** * Based on the current state of the elements, will add the appropriate * Content-Security-Policy and Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only headers * with their values to the response object. * * @return void */
    protected function buildHeaders(ResponseInterface $response)
        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Email "abc" does not comply with addr-spec of RFC 2822.');
        /* -- RFC 2822, 3.6.4. msg-id = [CFWS] "<" id-left "@" id-right ">" [CFWS] */
        new IdentificationHeader('References', 'abc');

    public function testSetBody()
        $header = new IdentificationHeader('Message-ID', 'c@d');

    public function testGetBody()
        $header = new IdentificationHeader('Message-ID', 'a@b');

    public function testStringValue()
$script = PHP_EOL
                . '<script ' . csp_script_nonce() . ' id="debugbar_loader" '
                . 'data-time="' . $time . '" '
                . 'src="' . site_url() . '?debugbar"></script>'
                . '<script ' . csp_script_nonce() . ' id="debugbar_dynamic_script"></script>'
                . '<style ' . csp_style_nonce() . ' id="debugbar_dynamic_style"></style>'
                . $kintScript
                . PHP_EOL;

            if (strpos($response->getBody(), '<head>') !== false) {
                        '<head>' . $script,


public function getHeaderBody(string $name): mixed
        return $this->has($name) ? $this->get($name)->getBody() : null;

    /** * @internal */
    public function setHeaderBody(string $type, string $name, mixed $body): void
        if ($this->has($name)) {
        } else {

    public function getHeaderParameter(string $name, string $parameter): ?string
        if (!$this->has($name)) {
            return null;

public function testConstruct()
        $m = new Message();
        $this->assertEquals(new Headers()$m->getHeaders());

        $m = new Message($h = (new Headers())->addDateHeader('Date', new \DateTimeImmutable())$b = new TextPart('content'));

        $m = new Message();

    public function testGetPreparedHeadersThrowsWhenNoFrom()
        (new Message())->getPreparedHeaders();

 finally {
            $info['download_content_length'] = $info['size_download'];


    private static function followRedirects(Request $originRequest, AmpClientState $multi, array &$info, array &$headers, CancellationTokenSource $canceller, array $options, \Closure $onProgress, &$handle, ?LoggerInterface $logger, Promise &$pause): \Generator
        yield $pause;

        $originRequest->setBody(new AmpBody($options['body']$info$onProgress));
        $response = yield $multi->request($options$originRequest$canceller->getToken()$info$onProgress$handle);
        $previousUrl = null;

        while (true) {
            $status = $response->getStatus();

            if (!\in_array($status[301, 302, 303, 307, 308], true) || null === $location = $response->getHeader('location')) {
                return $response;


        if ($this->uri instanceof URI) {
            $this->uri = Services::uri($this->appConfig->baseURL ?? '', false);

        if (empty($this->request)) {
            // Do some acrobatics so we can use the Request service with our own URI             $tempUri = Services::uri();
            Services::injectMock('uri', $this->uri);

            $this->withRequest(Services::request($this->appConfig, false)->setBody($this->body));

            // Restore the URI service             Services::injectMock('uri', $tempUri);

        if (empty($this->response)) {
            $this->response = Services::response($this->appConfig, false);

        if (empty($this->logger)) {
            $this->logger = Services::logger();
// Clear all default headers             foreach (array_keys($response->headers()) as $key) {

            // Set cached headers             foreach ($headers as $name => $value) {


            return $response;

        return null;

    public function testGetValueReturnsMailboxStringValueForMultipleMailboxes()
        $header = new MailboxListHeader('From', [new Address('', 'Chris Corbyn')new Address('', 'Mark Corbyn')]);
        $this->assertEquals('Chris Corbyn <>, Mark Corbyn <>', $header->getBodyAsString());

    public function testSetBody()
        $header = new MailboxListHeader('From', []);
        $header->setBody($addresses = [new Address('')]);

    public function testGetBody()
        $header = new MailboxListHeader('From', $addresses = [new Address('')]);

    public function testToString()
$value = 'fo'.pack('C', 0x8F).'bar';
        $header = new UnstructuredHeader('Subject', $value);
        $this->assertEquals('Subject: =?iso-8859-1*en?Q?fo=8Fbar?=', $header->toString());

    public function testSetBody()
        $header = new UnstructuredHeader('X-Test', '');
        $this->assertEquals('test', $header->getValue());

    public function testGetBody()
        $header = new UnstructuredHeader('Subject', 'test');
        $this->assertEquals('test', $header->getBody());

    public function execute(string $method, ...$params)
        if (method_exists($this->controller, $method) || ! is_callable([$this->controller, $method])) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Method does not exist or is not callable in controller: ' . $method);

        $response = null;

        try {
            $response = $this->controller->{$method}(...$params);
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            $code = $e->getCode();

            // If code is not a valid HTTP status then assume there is an error             if ($code < 100 || $code >= 600) {
                throw $e;

        if (array_key_exists('delay', $options)) {
            // Convert from the milliseconds passed in             // to the seconds that sleep requires.             $this->delay = (float) $options['delay'] / 1000;

        if (array_key_exists('body', $options)) {

        foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
            $this->config[$key] = $value;

    /** * If the $url is a relative URL, will attempt to create * a full URL by prepending $this->baseURI to it. */

    public function testConstructor()
        $header = new MailboxHeader('Sender', $address = new Address(''));

    public function testAddress()
        $header = new MailboxHeader('Sender', new Address(''));
        $header->setBody($address = new Address(''));
        $header->setAddress($address = new Address(''));

    public function testgetBodyAsString()
        $header = new MailboxHeader('Sender', new Address(''));
        $this->assertEquals('', $header->getBodyAsString());

/** * @internal */
class ProxyGenerator implements ProxyGeneratorInterface
    public function generate(\ReflectionClass $originalClass, ClassGenerator $classGenerator, array $proxyOptions = []): void
        (new LazyLoadingValueHolderGenerator())->generate($originalClass$classGenerator$proxyOptions);

        foreach ($classGenerator->getMethods() as $method) {
            if (str_starts_with($originalClass->getFilename(), __FILE__)) {
                $method->setBody(str_replace(var_export($originalClass->name, true), '__CLASS__', $method->getBody()));

        if (str_starts_with($originalClass->getFilename(), __FILE__)) {
            $interfaces = $classGenerator->getImplementedInterfaces();

    public function getProxifiedClass(Definition $definition): ?string
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