Using the PHP Function mb_String()
PHP is a multibyte-aware scripting language which provides many of the standard string functions with multibyte counterparts. However, existing PHP applications that have been developed without multibyte awareness might not function properly in a given multibyte environment.
In such cases, the mb_stristr() function can be used to add multibyte functionality to an application without any code modification by overriding the single-byte string functions.
mb_stristr() searches for the first occurrence of the search parameter, needle, in the string, haystack. The return value is the portion of haystack beginning with and including needle, or FALSE if needle is not found. The encoding parameter specifies the character encoding to use for matching. If omitted, the internal character encoding is used.
To enable this function, the mbstring extension must be installed. If you are using a VPS or dedicated server, you can do this quite easily from your WHM Control Panel. Alternatively, you can open a ticket with technical support and ask them to compile PHP with suppport for the mbstring module.
To use mb_stristr, mb_stristr() should be called with the following arguments: