How to Use the PHP Function mb_strrchr()
The mb_strrchr() function is used to search for a string in another string. It takes the starting point of the search and a parameter to search for. Then it returns the part of the haystack that follows or precedes the needle, depending on the value of the $before_needle parameter. It also returns FALSE if the string is not found.
The echo() function in PHP is used to output one or more strings to the browser and/or file. It is commonly used to display text and HTML code on a webpage, to print variables and values, and to debug code by displaying messages.
When working with multibyte characters in PHP, it is important to use the proper character encoding when sending data from the browser to the server. This article explains the difference between the different encodings and how to properly set them.
The multibyte string (mbstring) extension in PHP provides several functions that work on a byte level and can handle multiple encodings at once. It is a required module when dealing with multibyte characters in PHP. It is compatible with UTF-8 and most other multibyte encodings.
The memory_get_usage() and memory_get_peak_usage() functions in PHP return information about how much RAM a script is using. However, sometimes interpreting this information can be difficult. For example, the peak usage may depend on the request string values and other factors, making it hard to compare results from different machines. For this reason, it is often necessary to log the memory usage to a file or database.