Using the Built-In PHP Function Mb_Strripos
In PHP, there are a lot of built-in functions that you can use to perform common programming tasks. There are different types of functions: array functions, string functions, math functions, internationalization functions, and more. Each function does a specific task and is designed to work with a particular type of data. Before you write your own custom function, it is best to see if there is already a built-in one that will do the job for you.
Functions in PHP are a key component of the object-oriented programming paradigm. They allow you to override public and private methods, class properties, and constants from classes that extend them. In addition, PHP supports the concept of scope, which determines whether a function can be called or not.
mb_strripos is an inbuilt string function that allows you to extract a substring of a multi-byte string based on the starting position and length while taking into account its multi-byte character encoding. It accepts four parameters: $string, $start, $length, and $encoding.
The mb_strripos() function returns the portion of the string that begins at the specified $start position and ends at the end of the string. It is a case-insensitive string and will return FALSE if the string is not found.
This function is a replacement for strpos and mb_strrichr and is case-insensitive. It also supports a search offset, which determines how far from the beginning of the string it should start searching for needle. The encoding parameter specifies the character encoding name to be used. If omitted, internal character encoding is used.