rejectPhpIncompleteClass example

private function removeMessages(string $failureTransportName, array $ids, ReceiverInterface $receiver, SymfonyStyle $io, bool $shouldForce, bool $shouldDisplayMessages): void
        if (!$receiver instanceof ListableReceiverInterface) {
            throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('The "%s" receiver does not support removing specific messages.', $failureTransportName));

        foreach ($ids as $id) {
            try {
                $envelope = $receiver->find($id);
            } finally {

            if (null === $envelope) {
                $io->error(sprintf('The message with id "%s" was not found.', $id));

            if ($shouldDisplayMessages) {

/** @var ErrorDetailsStamp|null $lastErrorDetailsStamp */
                $lastErrorDetailsStamp = $envelope->last(ErrorDetailsStamp::class);

                $rows[] = [
                    null === $lastRedeliveryStamp ? '' : $lastRedeliveryStamp->getRedeliveredAt()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
                    $lastErrorDetailsStamp?->getExceptionMessage() ?? '',
        } finally {

        $rowsCount = \count($rows);

        if (0 === $rowsCount) {
            $io->success('No failed messages were found.');


        $io->table(['Id', 'Class', 'Failed at', 'Error']$rows);

            // to be temporarily "acked", even if the user aborts             // handling the message             while (true) {
                $envelopes = [];
                try {
                    foreach ($receiver->all(1) as $envelope) {
                        $envelopes[] = $envelope;
                } finally {

                // break the loop if all messages are consumed                 if (0 === \count($envelopes)) {

        } else {
            // get() and ask messages one-by-one
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