cancel example


    public function reject($reason): void

    public function cancel(): void

    private function nextCoroutine($yielded): void
        $this->currentPromise = Create::promiseFor($yielded)
            ->then([$this, '_handleSuccess'][$this, '_handleFailure']);

    /** * @internal */
throw PaymentException::asyncProcessInterrupted((string) $transactionId, 'Payment JWT didn\'t contain a valid orderTransactionId');

        $transaction = $this->getPaymentTransactionStruct($transactionId$context);

        $paymentHandler = $this->getPaymentHandlerById($token->getPaymentMethodId());

        try {
        } catch (CustomerCanceledAsyncPaymentException|PaymentException $e) {
            if ($e->getErrorCode() === PaymentException::PAYMENT_CUSTOMER_CANCELED_EXTERNAL) {
            } else {
                $this->logger->error('An error occurred during finalizing async payment', ['orderTransactionId' => $transactionId, 'exceptionMessage' => $e->getMessage()]);
        } finally {
            if ($token->getToken() !== null) {

$this->markTestSkipped('NativeHttpClient doesn\'t support opening concurrent requests.');


    public function testRetry404()
        $client = $this->getHttpClient(__FUNCTION__, function DChunkInterface $chunk, AsyncContext $context) {
            $this->assertSame(404, $context->getStatusCode());
            $context->replaceRequest('GET', 'http://localhost:8057/');

        $response = $client->request('GET', 'http://localhost:8057/404');

        foreach ($client->stream($response) as $chunk) {
        $this->assertSame(200, $response->getStatusCode());


        $host = parse_url($this->info['redirect_url'] ?? $this->url, \PHP_URL_HOST);
        $this->multi->lastTimeout = null;
        $this->multi->openHandles[$this->id] = [&$this->pauseExpiry, $h$this->buffer, $this->onProgress, &$this->remaining, &$this->info, $host];
        $this->multi->hosts[$host] = 1 + ($this->multi->hosts[$host] ?? 0);

    private function close(): void
        $this->handle = $this->buffer = $this->inflate = $this->onProgress = null;

    private static function schedule(self $response, array &$runningResponses): void
        if (!isset($runningResponses[$i = $response->multi->id])) {
            $runningResponses[$i] = [$response->multi, []];

        $runningResponses[$i][1][$response->id] = $response;

        $this->assertSame(200, $response->getStatusCode());
        $this->assertTrue(0.5 <= microtime(true) - $time);

        $response = $client->request('GET', 'http://localhost:8057/');

        $time = microtime(true);

        foreach ($client->stream($response, 0.5) as $chunk) {
        $response = null;
        $this->assertTrue(1.0 > microtime(true) - $time);
        $this->assertTrue(0.5 <= microtime(true) - $time);

    public function testPauseReplace()
        $client = $this->getHttpClient(__FUNCTION__);
        $response = $client->request('GET', 'http://localhost:8057/');



    public function testReentrantBufferCallback()
        $client = $this->getHttpClient(__FUNCTION__);

        $response = $client->request('GET', 'http://localhost:8057', ['buffer' => function D) use (&$response) {

            return true;

        $this->assertSame(200, $response->getStatusCode());


    public function testThrowingBufferCallback()
#[Route(path: '/account/order/cancel', name: 'frontend.account.order.cancel', methods: ['POST'])]     public function cancelOrder(Request $request, SalesChannelContext $context): Response
        $cancelOrderRequest = new Request();
        $cancelOrderRequest->request->set('orderId', $request->get('orderId'));
        $cancelOrderRequest->request->set('transition', 'cancel');

        $event = new CancelOrderRouteRequestEvent($request$cancelOrderRequest$context);


        if ($context->getCustomer() && $context->getCustomer()->getGuest() === true) {
            return $this->redirectToRoute(
                    'deepLinkCode' => $request->get('deepLinkCode'),

        return $this->redirectToRoute('');
        $this->expectExceptionMessage('ccc error');

        MockResponse::fromRequest('GET', '', []new MockResponse('', [
            'error' => 'ccc error',

    public function testCancelingAMockResponseNotIssuedByMockHttpClient()
        $mockResponse = new MockResponse();


    public function testMustBeIssuedByMockHttpClient()
        $this->expectExceptionMessage('MockResponse instances must be issued by MockHttpClient before processing.');

        (new MockResponse())->getContent();
            } catch (TransportExceptionInterface) {
                $state->lastError = $lastError ?? hrtime(true) / 1E9;

                if (null === $state->buffer || ($isTimeout && hrtime(true) / 1E9 - $state->lastError < $state->reconnectionTime)) {
                    yield $chunk;
                } else {
                    $options['headers']['Last-Event-ID'] = $state->lastEventId;
                    $state->buffer = '';
                    $state->lastError = hrtime(true) / 1E9;
                    if ($isTimeout) {
                        yield $chunk;
                    } else {




    public function reset(): void
        if (null !== $this->currentResponse) {
            // fetch current response in order to requeue in transit messages             if (!$this->fetchMessage()) {
                $this->currentResponse = null;

        foreach ($this->getPendingMessages() as $message) {
                'QueueUrl' => $this->getQueueUrl(),
                'ReceiptHandle' => $message['id'],
                'VisibilityTimeout' => 0,
 elseif (0 === $r->offset && null === $r->content && $chunk->isLast()) {
                        $r->content = fopen('php://memory', 'w+');

                if (!$r->passthru) {
                    if (null !== $chunk->getError() || $chunk->isLast()) {
                    } elseif (null !== $r->content && '' !== ($content = $chunk->getContent()) && \strlen($content) !== fwrite($r->content, $content)) {
                        $chunk = new ErrorChunk($r->offset, new TransportException(sprintf('Failed writing %d bytes to the response buffer.', \strlen($content))));
                        $r->info['error'] = $chunk->getError();

                    yield $r => $chunk;

                if (null !== $chunk->getError()) {
                    // no-op                 } elseif ($chunk->isFirst()) {
                    $r->yieldedState = self::FIRST_CHUNK_YIELDED;
                } elseif (self::FIRST_CHUNK_YIELDED !== $r->yieldedState && null === $chunk->getInformationalStatus()) {
public function then(callable $onFulfilled = null, callable $onRejected = null): self
        return new self($this->promise->then(

    public function cancel(): void

    public function getState(): string
        return $this->promise->getState();

    /** * @return Psr7ResponseInterface|mixed */
    public function wait($unwrap = true): mixed
foreach ($this->client->stream($pool) as $response => $chunk) {
        } catch (ExceptionInterface $e) {
            if (null !== $response) {
                throw new TransportException($e->getMessage()$response, 0, $e);
            throw new RuntimeException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
        } finally {
            foreach ($pool as $response) {

        foreach (array_filter($subtitlesVideoIds) as $videoId => $subtitles) {
            $name = pathinfo($subtitles->getFilename(), \PATHINFO_FILENAME);
            $subtitlesVideoIds[$videoId] = $this->request('POST', '/1.1/media/subtitles/create.json', [
                'json' => [
                    'media_id' => $videoId,
                    'media_category' => 'tweet_video',
                    'subtitle_info' => [
                        'subtitles' => [

    #[Route(path: '/api/_action/import-export/cancel', name: 'api.action.import_export.cancel', methods: ['POST'])]     public function cancel(Request $request, Context $context): Response
        $logId = $request->request->get('logId');

        if (!\is_string($logId)) {
            throw RoutingException::invalidRequestParameter('logId');


        return new Response('', Response::HTTP_NO_CONTENT);

    #[Route(path: '/api/_action/import-export/prepare-template-file-download', name: 'api.action.import_export.template_file.prepare_download', methods: ['POST'])]     public function prepareTemplateFileDownload(Request $request, Context $context): Response
        $profileId = $request->query->get('profileId');
        if (!\is_string($profileId)) {
            throw RoutingException::invalidRequestParameter('profileId');
try {
            $response = $this->sendPsr7Request($request, true);
        } catch (NetworkException $e) {
            return new HttplugPromise(new RejectedPromise($e));

        $waitLoop = $this->waitLoop;

        $promise = new GuzzlePromise(static function D) use ($response$waitLoop) {
        }static function D) use ($response$promisePool) {

        $promisePool[$response] = [$request$promise];

        return new HttplugPromise($promise);

    /** * Resolves pending promises that complete before the timeouts are reached. * * When $maxDuration is null and $idleTimeout is reached, promises are rejected. * * @return int The number of remaining pending promises */
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