exportSignature example

public function testRedis5Proxy($class)
        $proxy = file_get_contents(\dirname(__DIR__, 2)."/Traits/{$class}5Proxy.php");
        $proxy = substr($proxy, 0, 4 + strpos($proxy, '[];'));
        $methods = [];

        foreach ((new \ReflectionClass($class))->getMethods() as $method) {
            if ('reset' === $method->name || method_exists(LazyProxyTrait::class$method->name)) {
            $return = $method->getReturnType() instanceof \ReflectionNamedType && 'void' === (string) $method->getReturnType() ? '' : 'return ';
            $methods[] = "\n ".ProxyHelper::exportSignature($method, false, $args)."\n".<<<EOPHP { {$return}(\$this->lazyObjectState->realInstance ??= (\$this->lazyObjectState->initializer)())->{$method->name}({$args}); } EOPHP;

        uksort($methods, 'strnatcmp');
        $proxy .= implode('', $methods)."}\n";

        $this->assertStringEqualsFile(\dirname(__DIR__, 2)."/Traits/{$class}5Proxy.php", $proxy);

            if ($method->isFinal()) {
                if ($extendsInternalClass || $methodsHaveToBeProxied || method_exists(LazyProxyTrait::class$method->name)) {
                    throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy proxy: method "%s::%s()" is final.', $class->name, $method->name));
            if (method_exists(LazyProxyTrait::class$method->name) || ($method->isProtected() && !$method->isAbstract())) {

            $signature = self::exportSignature($method, true, $args);
            $parentCall = $method->isAbstract() ? "throw new \BadMethodCallException('Cannot forward abstract method \"{$method->class}::{$method->name}()\".')" : "parent::{$method->name}({$args})";

            if ($method->isStatic()) {
                $body = " $parentCall;";
            } elseif (str_ends_with($signature, '): never') || str_ends_with($signature, '): void')) {
                $body = <<<EOPHP if (isset(\$this->lazyObjectState)) { (\$this->lazyObjectState->realInstance ??= (\$this->lazyObjectState->initializer)())->{$method->name}({$args}); } else { {$parentCall}; }
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Cannot create adapter{$id} because \"%s\" is not an interface.", $class));
            if (1 !== \count($method = $r->getMethods())) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Cannot create adapter{$id} because interface \"%s\" doesn't have exactly one method.", $class));
            $method = $method[0]->name;
        } elseif (!$r || !$r->hasMethod($method)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create lazy closure{$id} because its corresponding callable is invalid.");

        $methodReflector = $r->getMethod($method);
        $code = ProxyHelper::exportSignature($methodReflector, true, $args);

        if ($asClosure) {
            $code = ' { '.preg_replace('/: static$/', ': \\'.$r->name, $code);
        } else {
            $code = ' implements \\'.$r->name.' { '.$code;

        $code = 'new class('.$initializer.') extends \\'.self::class
            D$code.' { '.($methodReflector->hasReturnType() && 'void' === (string) $methodReflector->getReturnType() ? '' : 'return ').'$this->service->'.$callable[1].'('.$args.'); } '


            if ($method->isFinal()) {
                if ($extendsInternalClass || $methodsHaveToBeProxied || method_exists(LazyProxyTrait::class$method->name)) {
                    throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy proxy: method "%s::%s()" is final.', $class->name, $method->name));
            if (method_exists(LazyProxyTrait::class$method->name) || ($method->isProtected() && !$method->isAbstract())) {

            $signature = self::exportSignature($method, true, $args);
            $parentCall = $method->isAbstract() ? "throw new \BadMethodCallException('Cannot forward abstract method \"{$method->class}::{$method->name}()\".')" : "parent::{$method->name}({$args})";

            if ($method->isStatic()) {
                $body = " $parentCall;";
            } elseif (str_ends_with($signature, '): never') || str_ends_with($signature, '): void')) {
                $body = <<<EOPHP if (isset(\$this->lazyObjectState)) { (\$this->lazyObjectState->realInstance ??= (\$this->lazyObjectState->initializer)())->{$method->name}({$args}); } else { {$parentCall}; }
use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Exception\LogicException;
use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\ProxyHelper;
use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Tests\Fixtures\LazyProxy\StringMagicGetClass;

class ProxyHelperTest extends TestCase
    /** * @dataProvider provideExportSignature */
    public function testExportSignature(string $expected, \ReflectionMethod $method)
        $this->assertSame($expected, ProxyHelper::exportSignature($method));

    public static function provideExportSignature()
        $methods = (new \ReflectionClass(TestForProxyHelper::class))->getMethods();
        $source = file(__FILE__);

        foreach ($methods as $method) {
            $expected = substr($source[$method->getStartLine() - 1]$method->isAbstract() ? 13 : 4, -(1 + $method->isAbstract()));
            $expected = str_replace(['.', ' . . . ', '\'$a\', \'$a\n\', "\$a\n"'][' . ', '...', '\'$a\', "\$a\\\n", "\$a\n"']$expected);
            $expected = str_replace('Bar', '\\'.Bar::class$expected);
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Cannot create adapter{$id} because \"%s\" is not an interface.", $class));
            if (1 !== \count($method = $r->getMethods())) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Cannot create adapter{$id} because interface \"%s\" doesn't have exactly one method.", $class));
            $method = $method[0]->name;
        } elseif (!$r || !$r->hasMethod($method)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create lazy closure{$id} because its corresponding callable is invalid.");

        $methodReflector = $r->getMethod($method);
        $code = ProxyHelper::exportSignature($methodReflector, true, $args);

        if ($asClosure) {
            $code = ' { '.preg_replace('/: static$/', ': \\'.$r->name, $code);
        } else {
            $code = ' implements \\'.$r->name.' { '.$code;

        $code = 'new class('.$initializer.') extends \\'.self::class
            D$code.' { '.($methodReflector->hasReturnType() && 'void' === (string) $methodReflector->getReturnType() ? '' : 'return ').'$this->service->'.$callable[1].'('.$args.'); } '

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