fileExists example


    public function load(mixed $resource, string $type = null): mixed
        // the loader variable is exposed to the included file below         $loader = $this;

        $path = $this->locator->locate($resource);

        // the closure forbids access to the private scope in the included file         $load = \Closure::bind(static function D$file) use ($loader) {
            return include $file;
        }, null, ProtectedDefinitionFileLoader::class);

        $callback = $load($path);

        if (\is_object($callback) && \is_callable($callback)) {
            $this->executeCallback($callbacknew DefinitionConfigurator($this->treeBuilder, $this$path$resource)$path);

if (!isset($this->classReflectors[$object])) {
                $this->classReflectors[$object] = new \ReflectionClass($object);
            $class = $this->classReflectors[$object];

            foreach ($class->getInterfaceNames() as $name) {
                if (null === $interface = &$this->classReflectors[$name]) {
                    $interface = new \ReflectionClass($name);
                $file = $interface->getFileName();
                if (false !== $file && file_exists($file)) {
            do {
                $file = $class->getFileName();
                if (false !== $file && file_exists($file)) {
                foreach ($class->getTraitNames() as $name) {
            } while ($class = $class->getParentClass());
$toBeCreatedSizes = new MediaThumbnailSizeCollection($config->getMediaThumbnailSizes()->getElements());
        $toBeDeletedThumbnails = new MediaThumbnailCollection($media->getThumbnails()->getElements());

        foreach ($toBeCreatedSizes as $thumbnailSize) {
            foreach ($toBeDeletedThumbnails as $thumbnail) {
                if (!$this->isSameDimension($thumbnail$thumbnailSize)) {

                if ($strict === true
                    && !$this->getFileSystem($media)->fileExists($this->urlGenerator->getRelativeThumbnailUrl($media$thumbnail))) {


                continue 2;

        $delete = \array_values(\array_map(static fn (string $id) => ['id' => $id]$toBeDeletedThumbnails->getIds()));

private int $anonymousServicesCount;
    private string $anonymousServicesSuffix;

    protected $autoRegisterAliasesForSinglyImplementedInterfaces = false;

    public function load(mixed $resource, string $type = null): mixed
        $path = $this->locator->locate($resource);

        $content = $this->loadFile($path);


        // empty file         if (null === $content) {
            return null;


        // per-env configuration         if ($this->env && isset($content['when@'.$this->env])) {
            if (!\is_array($content['when@'.$this->env])) {
class PrefixFilesystemTest extends TestCase
    public function testPrefix(): void
        $generator = $this->createMock(TemporaryUrlGenerator::class);

        $fs = new Filesystem(new MemoryFilesystemAdapter()['public_url' => ''], null, null, $generator);
        $prefix = new PrefixFilesystem($fs, 'foo');

        $prefix->write('foo.txt', 'bla');

        static::assertSame('bla', $prefix->read('foo.txt'));
        static::assertSame('bla', stream_get_contents($prefix->readStream('foo.txt')));
        static::assertSame('text/plain', $prefix->mimeType('foo.txt'));
        static::assertSame(3, $prefix->fileSize('foo.txt'));
        $prefix->setVisibility('foo.txt', Visibility::PRIVATE);
$driver = 'xml';
        } elseif (glob($dir.'/'.$configPath.'/*.'.$extension.'.yml', \GLOB_NOSORT)) {
            $driver = 'yml';
        } elseif (glob($dir.'/'.$configPath.'/*.'.$extension.'.php', \GLOB_NOSORT)) {
            $driver = 'php';
        } else {
            // add the closest existing directory as a resource             $resource = $dir.'/'.$configPath;
            while (!is_dir($resource)) {
                $resource = \dirname($resource);
            $container->fileExists($resource, false);

            if ($container->fileExists($discoveryPath = $dir.'/'.$this->getMappingObjectDefaultName(), false)) {
                return $this->detectMappingType($discoveryPath$container);

            return null;
        $container->fileExists($dir.'/'.$configPath, false);

        return $driver;

/** * @return array<string, array<string, string>> */
    private function getManifest(): array
        if ($this->areAssetsStoredLocally()) {
            return [];

        $hashes = [];
        if ($this->privateFilesystem->fileExists('asset-manifest.json')) {
            $hashes = json_decode(

        return $hashes;

    /** * @param array<string, array<string, string>> $manifest */
$resolvedFiles = new FileCollection();
        $nextIncluded = $included;
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $filepath = $file->getFilepath();
            if ($this->isInclude($filepath)) {
                $nextIncluded[] = $filepath;
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $filepath = $file->getFilepath();
            if (!$this->isInclude($filepath)) {
                if ($this->themeFileImporter->fileExists($filepath)) {


                throw new ThemeCompileException(
                    sprintf('Unable to load file "%s". Did you forget to build the theme? Try running ./bin/', $filepath)


    public function getDecorated(): AbstractDefaultMediaResolver
        throw new DecorationPatternException(self::class);

    public function getDefaultCmsMediaEntity(string $mediaAssetFilePath): ?MediaEntity
        $filePath = '/bundles/' . $mediaAssetFilePath;

        if (!$this->filesystem->fileExists($filePath)) {
            return null;

        $mimeType = $this->filesystem->mimeType($filePath);
        $pathInfo = pathinfo($filePath);

        if (!$mimeType || !\array_key_exists('extension', $pathInfo)) {
            return null;

        $media = new MediaEntity();
$exportNotFoundException = new ExportNotFoundException(null, $request->get('fileName'));
            $this->logException(Context::createDefaultContext()$exportNotFoundException, Level::Warning);

            throw $exportNotFoundException;

        $context = $this->contextFactory->create('', $productExport->getSalesChannelDomain()->getSalesChannelId());

        $filePath = $this->productExportFileHandler->getFilePath($productExport);

        // if file not present or interval = live         if (!$this->fileSystem->fileExists($filePath) || $productExport->getInterval() === 0) {
            $this->productExportService->export($contextnew ExportBehavior()$productExport->getId());

        if (!$this->fileSystem->fileExists($filePath)) {
            $exportNotGeneratedException = new ExportNotGeneratedException();

            throw $exportNotGeneratedException;

        $content = $this->fileSystem->read($filePath);

        if ($partialGeneration) {
            $filePath .= '.partial';

        return $filePath;

    public function writeProductExportContent(string $content, string $filePath, bool $append = false): bool
        if ($this->fileSystem->fileExists($filePath) && !$append) {

        $existingContent = '';
        if ($append && $this->fileSystem->fileExists($filePath)) {
            $existingContent = $this->fileSystem->read($filePath);

            $existingContent . $content
if (\is_string($factory = $definition->getFactory())) {
            if (str_starts_with($factory, '@=')) {
                return new \ReflectionFunction(static function D...$args) {});

            if (!\function_exists($factory)) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid service "%s": function "%s" does not exist.', $this->currentId, $factory));
            $r = new \ReflectionFunction($factory);
            if (false !== $r->getFileName() && file_exists($r->getFileName())) {

            return $r;

        if ($factory) {
            [$class$method] = $factory;

            if ('__construct' === $method) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid service "%s": "__construct()" cannot be used as a factory method.', $this->currentId));

/** * IniFileLoader loads parameters from INI files. * * @author Fabien Potencier <> */
class IniFileLoader extends FileLoader
    public function load(mixed $resource, string $type = null): mixed
        $path = $this->locator->locate($resource);


        // first pass to catch parsing errors         $result = parse_ini_file($path, true);
        if (false === $result || [] === $result) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" file is not valid.', $resource));

        // real raw parsing         $result = parse_ini_file($path, true, \INI_SCANNER_RAW);

        if (isset($result['parameters']) && \is_array($result['parameters'])) {
$handler = $this->getContainer()->get(CleanupImportExportFileTaskHandler::class);


        // Expired log and file entities should've been deleted, not yet expired should still exist         static::assertTrue($this->logEntityExists($logIdA));

        // Actual file should get deleted from filesystem         static::assertTrue($this->filesystem->fileExists($expiredFilePath));

        $messages = $this->messageBus->getDispatchedMessages();
        $deleteFileMessage = null;
        foreach ($messages as $message) {
            if (isset($message['message']) && $message['message'] instanceof DeleteFileMessage) {
                $deleteFileMessage = $message['message'];


    protected function buildFilepath(Smarty_Template_Source $source, ?Smarty_Internal_Template $_template = null)
        $file = $source->name;
        $hit = false;

        foreach ($source->smarty->getTemplateDir() as $_directory) {
            $_filePath = Enlight_Loader::realpath($_directory . $file);
            if (\is_string($_filePath) && $this->fileExists($source$_filePath)) {
                if ($hit) {
                    return $_filePath;
                if ($_template->parent->source->filepath == $_filePath) {
                    $hit = true;

        return parent::buildFilepath($source$_template);

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