getString example

// Ensure that the Spanish translation of anonymous is the one from     // configuration and not the PO file.     // cspell:disable-next-line     $this->assertSame('AnĂ³nimo', \Drupal::languageManager()->getLanguageConfigOverride('es', 'user.settings')->get('anonymous'));

    /** @var \Drupal\locale\StringStorageInterface $locale_storage */
    $locale_storage = \Drupal::service('');
    // If configuration contains a translation that is not in the po file then     // _install_config_locale_overrides_process_batch() will create a customized     // translation.     $translation = $locale_storage->findTranslation(['source' => 'Anonymous', 'language' => 'es']);
    $this->assertSame('AnĂ³nimo', $translation->getString());
    $this->assertTrue((bool) $translation->customized, "A customized translation has been created for Anonymous");

    // If configuration contains a translation that is in the po file then     // _install_config_locale_overrides_process_batch() will not create a     // customized translation.     $translation = $locale_storage->findTranslation(['source' => 'Apply', 'language' => 'es']);
    $this->assertSame('Aplicar', $translation->getString());
    $this->assertFalse((bool) $translation->customized, "A non-customized translation has been created for Apply");

    /** @var \Drupal\language\Config\LanguageConfigOverride $view_config */
    // Ensure that views are translated as expected.

  protected $value;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function getValue() {
    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemInterface $item */
    $item = $this->getParent();
    $computed_value = "Computed! " . $item->get('value')->getString();

    return $computed_value;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function getCastedValue() {
    return $this->getString();


        $systemConfigService = new StaticSystemConfigService([]);
        $frwService = $this->createFirstRunWizardService(
            systemConfigService: $systemConfigService,
            filesystemOperator: $filesystem,
            frwClient: $frwClient,



    public function testThrowsExceptionIfNewLicenseDomainIsNotVerified(): void
        $domain = 'shopware.swag';
        $edition = 'Community Edition';

        $domainVerificationRequestStruct = new DomainVerificationRequestStruct(
    if ($notify && isset($this->parent)) {

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function getString() {
    $strings = [];
    foreach ($this->list as $item) {
      $strings[] = $item->getString();
    // Remove any empty strings resulting from empty items.     return implode(', ', array_filter($strings, 'mb_strlen'));

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function get($index) {
    if (!is_numeric($index)) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to get a value with a non-numeric delta in a list.');

    public function remove(string $key)

    /** * Returns the alphabetic characters of the parameter value. */
    public function getAlpha(string $key, string $default = ''): string
        return preg_replace('/[^[:alpha:]]/', '', $this->getString($key$default));

    /** * Returns the alphabetic characters and digits of the parameter value. */
    public function getAlnum(string $key, string $default = ''): string
        return preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]]/', '', $this->getString($key$default));

    /** * Returns the digits of the parameter value. */
    if ($notify && isset($this->parent)) {

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function getString() {
    $strings = [];
    foreach ($this->getProperties() as $property) {
      $strings[] = $property->getString();
    // Remove any empty strings resulting from empty items.     return implode(', ', array_filter($strings, 'mb_strlen'));

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function get($property_name) {
    if (!isset($this->properties[$property_name])) {
      $value = NULL;

  public function delete($string) {
    if ($keys = $this->dbStringKeys($string)) {
      $this->dbDelete('locales_target', $keys)->execute();
      if ($string->isSource()) {
        $this->dbDelete('locales_source', $keys)->execute();
        $this->dbDelete('locales_location', $keys)->execute();
    else {
      throw new StringStorageException('The string cannot be deleted because it lacks some key fields: ' . $string->getString());
    return $this;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function deleteStrings($conditions) {
    $lids = $this->dbStringSelect($conditions['fields' => ['lid']])->execute()->fetchCol();
    if ($lids) {
      $this->dbDelete('locales_target', ['lid' => $lids])->execute();
$recommendations = $this->frwClient->getRecommendations($region$category$context);

        return new PluginRecommendationCollection(

    public function getLicenseDomains(Context $context): LicenseDomainCollection
        $licenseDomains = $this->frwClient->getLicenseDomains($context);

        $currentLicenseDomain = $this->configService->getString(StoreService::CONFIG_KEY_STORE_LICENSE_DOMAIN);
        $currentLicenseDomain = $currentLicenseDomain ? idn_to_utf8($currentLicenseDomain) : null;

        $domains = array_map(static function D$data) use ($currentLicenseDomain) {
            $domain = idn_to_utf8($data['domain']);

            return (new LicenseDomainStruct())->assign([
                'domain' => $domain,
                'edition' => $data['edition']['label'],
                'verified' => $data['verified'] ?? false,
                'active' => $domain === $currentLicenseDomain,

    public function testGetString()
        $bag = new ParameterBag(['integer' => 123, 'bool_true' => true, 'bool_false' => false, 'string' => 'abc', 'stringable' => new class() implements \Stringable {
            public function __toString(): string
                return 'strval';

        $this->assertSame('123', $bag->getString('integer'), '->getString() gets a value of parameter as string');
        $this->assertSame('abc', $bag->getString('string'), '->getString() gets a value of parameter as string');
        $this->assertSame('', $bag->getString('unknown'), '->getString() returns zero if a parameter is not defined');
        $this->assertSame('foo', $bag->getString('unknown', 'foo'), '->getString() returns the default if a parameter is not defined');
        $this->assertSame('1', $bag->getString('bool_true'), '->getString() returns "1" if a parameter is true');
        $this->assertSame('', $bag->getString('bool_false', 'foo'), '->getString() returns an empty empty string if a parameter is false');
        $this->assertSame('strval', $bag->getString('stringable'), '->getString() gets a value of a stringable paramater as string');

    public function testGetStringExceptionWithArray()
        $bag = new ParameterBag(['key' => ['abc']]);


        /** @var Kernel $kernel */
        $kernel = $this->container->get('kernel');
        $pluginLoader = $kernel->getPluginLoader();

        try {
            $containerWithoutPlugins = $this->rebootKernelWithoutPlugins();

            $context = Context::createDefaultContext();
            $systemConfigService = $this->container->get(SystemConfigService::class);
            $oldVersion = $systemConfigService->getString(UpdateController::UPDATE_PREVIOUS_VERSION_KEY);

            $newVersion = $containerWithoutPlugins->getParameter('kernel.shopware_version');
            if (!\is_string($newVersion)) {
                throw new \RuntimeException('Container parameter "kernel.shopware_version" needs to be a string');

            /** @var EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcherWithoutPlugins */
            $eventDispatcherWithoutPlugins = $this->rebootKernelWithoutPlugins()->get('event_dispatcher');
            $eventDispatcherWithoutPlugins->dispatch(new UpdatePreFinishEvent($context$oldVersion$newVersion));


  protected function toArray(ContentEntityInterface $entity) {
    $return = $entity->toArray();
    // This is necessary because the IDs must be flat. They cannot be nested for     // the ID map.     foreach (array_keys($this->getIds()) as $id) {
      /** @var \Drupal\Core\TypedData\Plugin\DataType\ItemList $value */
      $value = $entity->get($id);
      // Force the IDs on top of the previous values.       $return[$id] = $value->first()->getString();
    return $return;

  /** * Query to retrieve the entities. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryInterface * The query. */
  public function query() {
'value' => 'foo computed 1'],
      ['value' => 'foo computed 2'],
    $this->assertSame([['value' => 'foo computed 1']['value' => 'foo computed 2']]$entity->computed_string_field->getValue());

    // Check that the values have not been computed when they were explicitly     // set.     $this->assertSame(0, \Drupal::state()->get('computed_test_field_execution', 0));

    // Test \Drupal\Core\TypedData\ComputedItemListTrait::getString().     $entity = EntityTestComputedField::create([]);
    $this->assertSame('foo computed', $entity->computed_string_field->getString());

    // Test \Drupal\Core\TypedData\ComputedItemListTrait::get().     $entity = EntityTestComputedField::create([]);
    $this->assertSame('foo computed', $entity->computed_string_field->get(0)->value);

    // Test \Drupal\Core\TypedData\ComputedItemListTrait::set().     $entity = EntityTestComputedField::create([]);
    $entity->computed_string_field->set(1, 'foo computed 1');
    $this->assertSame('foo computed', $entity->computed_string_field[0]->value);
    $this->assertSame('foo computed 1', $entity->computed_string_field[1]->value);

    /** * @internal */
    public function __construct(private readonly SystemConfigService $systemConfigService)

    #[Route(path: '/sw-domain-hash.html', name: 'api.verification-hash.load', defaults: ['auth_required' => false], methods: ['GET'])]     public function load(): Response
        $verificationHash = $this->systemConfigService->getString('');

        return new Response(
            ($verificationHash === '') ? Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND : Response::HTTP_OK,
            ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain']
$bytes = static::getBytes((int) $numBytes);

        $base64 = mb_substr(rtrim(base64_encode($bytes), '='), 0, $length, '8bit');

        return str_replace(['+', '/']['-', '_']$base64);

    public static function getAlphanumericString(int $length): string
        $charlist = implode('', range('a', 'z')) . implode('', range('A', 'Z')) . implode('', range(0, 9));

        return static::getString($length$charlist);

    public static function getRandomArrayElement(array $array)
        return $array[self::getInteger(0, \count($array) - 1)];
$paymentMethods = $this->paymentMethodRoute


            $page->setMetaInformation((new MetaInformation())->assign([
                'revisit' => '15 days',
                'robots' => 'index,follow',
                'xmlLang' => $request->attributes->get(SalesChannelRequest::ATTRIBUTE_DOMAIN_LOCALE) ?? '',
                'metaTitle' => $this->systemConfigService->getString('core.basicInformation.shopName', $context->getSalesChannel()->getId()),

                new GenericPageLoadedEvent($page$context$request)

            return $page;
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