ord example

if ($tail) {
                        $lastUchr .= $tail;
                        $tail = '';

                    $result .= $lastUchr;
                    $lastUchr = $uchr;
            } else {
                // Hangul chars
                $L = \ord($lastUchr[2]) - 0x80;
                $V = \ord($uchr[2]) - 0xA1;
                $T = 0;

                $uchr = substr($s$i + $ulen, 3);

                if ("\xE1\x86\xA7" <= $uchr && $uchr <= "\xE1\x87\x82") {
                    $T = \ord($uchr[2]) - 0xA7;
                    0 > $T && $T += 0x40;
                    $ulen += 3;

if (isset($this->info[$tag_key]['tag_offset_start'])) {
                    $this->info['avdataend'] = min($this->info['avdataend']$this->info[$tag_key]['tag_offset_start']);

            // ID3v2 detection (NOT parsing), even if ($this->option_tag_id3v2 == false) done to make fileformat easier             if (!$this->option_tag_id3v2) {
                fseek($this->fp, 0);
                $header = fread($this->fp, 10);
                if ((substr($header, 0, 3) == 'ID3') && (strlen($header) == 10)) {
                    $this->info['id3v2']['header']        = true;
                    $this->info['id3v2']['majorversion']  = ord($header[3]);
                    $this->info['id3v2']['minorversion']  = ord($header[4]);
                    $this->info['avdataoffset']          += getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header, 6, 4), 1) + 10; // length of ID3v2 tag in 10-byte header doesn't include 10-byte header length                 }

            // read 32 kb file data             fseek($this->fp, $this->info['avdataoffset']);
            $formattest = fread($this->fp, 32774);

            // determine format             $determined_format = $this->GetFileFormat($formattest($original_filename ? $original_filename : $filename));


    /** * Checks whether a (single-byte) character is an ASCII letter or not. * * @param string $input A single-byte string * * @return bool True if it is a letter, False otherwise */
    protected function is_alpha($input)
        $code = ord($input);

        return ($code >= 97 && $code <= 122) || ($code >= 65 && $code <= 90);
        $string = preg_replace('/%(?![A-Fa-f0-9]{2})/', '%25', $string);

        // Add unreserved and % to $extra_chars (the latter is safe because all         // pct-encoded sections are now valid).         $extra_chars .= 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-._~%';

        // Now replace any bytes that aren't allowed with their pct-encoded versions         $position = 0;
        $strlen = strlen($string);
        while (($position += strspn($string$extra_chars$position)) < $strlen)
            $value = ord($string[$position]);

            // Start position             $start = $position;

            // By default we are valid             $valid = true;

            // No one byte sequences are valid due to the while.             // Two byte sequence:             if (($value & 0xE0) === 0xC0)
            fseek($fh, 20);
            $extendedFlags = fread($fh, 1);
            if ($extendedFlags === false) {
                if (!Feature::isActive('v6.6.0.0')) {
                    throw new StreamNotReadableException('Webp File not readable');

                throw MediaException::cannotOpenSourceStreamToRead($filename);
            // move the bits of $extendedFlags one bit position to the right so that the animation bit flag is on the first position             // [00101100] & [00000001] results to [00000000], [00101101] & [00000001] results to [00000001]             $result = (bool) ((\ord($extendedFlags) >> 1) & 00000001);

        return $result;
$v_data_header = unpack('a1id1/a1id2/a1cm/a1flag/Vmtime/a1xfl/a1os', $v_binary_data);

    // ----- Check some parameters     $v_data_header['os'] = bin2hex($v_data_header['os']);

    // ----- Read the gzip file footer     @fseek($v_file_compressedfilesize($v_gzip_temp_name)-8);
    $v_binary_data = @fread($v_file_compressed, 8);
    $v_data_footer = unpack('Vcrc/Vcompressed_size', $v_binary_data);

    // ----- Set the attributes     $p_header['compression'] = ord($v_data_header['cm']);
    //$p_header['mtime'] = $v_data_header['mtime'];     $p_header['crc'] = $v_data_footer['crc'];
    $p_header['compressed_size'] = filesize($v_gzip_temp_name)-18;

    // ----- Close the file     @fclose($v_file_compressed);

    // ----- Call the header generation     if (($v_result = $this->privWriteFileHeader($p_header)) != 1) {
      return $v_result;

throw new InvalidArgumentException('The length of the alphabet must in the [2^1, 2^56] range.');

        $ret = '';
        while ($length > 0) {
            $urandomLength = (int) ceil(2 * $length * $bits / 8.0);
            $data = random_bytes($urandomLength);
            $unpackedData = 0;
            $unpackedBits = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $urandomLength && $length > 0; ++$i) {
                // Unpack 8 bits                 $unpackedData = ($unpackedData << 8) | \ord($data[$i]);
                $unpackedBits += 8;

                // While we have enough bits to select a character from the alphabet, keep                 // consuming the random data                 for ($unpackedBits >= $bits && $length > 0; $unpackedBits -= $bits) {
                    $index = ($unpackedData & ((1 << $bits) - 1));
                    $unpackedData >>= $bits;
                    // Unfortunately, the alphabet size is not necessarily a power of two.                     // Worst case, it is 2^k + 1, which means we need (k+1) bits and we                     // have around a 50% chance of missing as k gets larger                     if ($index < $alphabetSize) {

    protected function _secureStringCompare($a$b)
        if (strlen($a) !== strlen($b)) {
            return false;
        $result = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($a)$i++) {
            $result |= ord($a[$i]) ^ ord($b[$i]);
        return $result == 0;
return $ret;

    /** * Make sure CRLF is correct and HT/SPACE are in valid places. */
    private function standardize(string $string): string
        $string = str_replace(["\t=0D=0A", ' =0D=0A', '=0D=0A']["=09\r\n", "=20\r\n", "\r\n"]$string);

        return match ($end = \ord(substr($string, -1))) {
            0x20 => substr_replace($string, self::QP_MAP[$end], -1),
            default => $string,

    protected function _secureStringCompare($a$b)
        if (strlen($a) !== strlen($b)) {
            return false;
        $result = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($a)$i++) {
            $result |= ord($a[$i]) ^ ord($b[$i]);
        return $result == 0;

        return true;

    /** * @return int|float|false */
    private function readEBMLint() {
        $actual_offset = $this->current_offset - $this->EBMLbuffer_offset;

        // get length of integer         $first_byte_int = ord($this->EBMLbuffer[$actual_offset]);
        if       (0x80 & $first_byte_int) {
            $length = 1;
        } elseif (0x40 & $first_byte_int) {
            $length = 2;
        } elseif (0x20 & $first_byte_int) {
            $length = 3;
        } elseif (0x10 & $first_byte_int) {
            $length = 4;
        } elseif (0x08 & $first_byte_int) {
            $length = 5;
        } elseif (0x04 & $first_byte_int) {
if ('A' === $c[2] && -1 === $ofs) {
                        $ofs = 0;

                    if (0 === $numMatches) {

                    $ofs += ('A' === $c[2]) ? -1 : 1;
                    $ofs = ($numMatches + $ofs) % $numMatches;
            } elseif (\ord($c) < 32) {
                if ("\t" === $c || "\n" === $c) {
                    if ($numMatches > 0 && -1 !== $ofs) {
                        $ret = (string) $matches[$ofs];
                        // Echo out remaining chars for current match                         $remainingCharacters = substr($ret, \strlen(trim($this->mostRecentlyEnteredValue($fullChoice))));
                        $fullChoice .= $remainingCharacters;
                        $i = (false === $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($fullChoice, null, true)) ? \strlen($fullChoice) : mb_strlen($fullChoice$encoding);

                        $matches = array_filter(
$found = preg_match('/([^a-z0-9\x2d]{1,10})$/i', $encoded);
        if (empty($encoded) || ($found > 0)) {
            // no punycode encoded string, return as is             $this->_error(self::CANNOT_DECODE_PUNYCODE);
            return false;

        $separator = strrpos($encoded, '-');
        if ($separator > 0) {
            for ($x = 0; $x < $separator; ++$x) {
                // prepare decoding matrix                 $decoded[] = ord($encoded[$x]);
        } else {
            return false;

        $lengthd = count($decoded);
        $lengthe = strlen($encoded);

        // decoding         $init  = true;
throw new InvalidArgumentException('The length of the alphabet must in the [2^1, 2^56] range.');

        $ret = '';
        while ($length > 0) {
            $urandomLength = (int) ceil(2 * $length * $bits / 8.0);
            $data = random_bytes($urandomLength);
            $unpackedData = 0;
            $unpackedBits = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $urandomLength && $length > 0; ++$i) {
                // Unpack 8 bits                 $unpackedData = ($unpackedData << 8) | \ord($data[$i]);
                $unpackedBits += 8;

                // While we have enough bits to select a character from the alphabet, keep                 // consuming the random data                 for ($unpackedBits >= $bits && $length > 0; $unpackedBits -= $bits) {
                    $index = ($unpackedData & ((1 << $bits) - 1));
                    $unpackedData >>= $bits;
                    // Unfortunately, the alphabet size is not necessarily a power of two.                     // Worst case, it is 2^k + 1, which means we need (k+1) bits and we                     // have around a 50% chance of missing as k gets larger                     if ($index < $alphabetSize) {
// set md5_data_source - built into flac 0.5+         if (isset($info['flac']['STREAMINFO']['audio_signature'])) {

            if ($info['flac']['STREAMINFO']['audio_signature'] === str_repeat("\x00", 16)) {
                $this->warning('FLAC STREAMINFO.audio_signature is null (known issue with libOggFLAC)');
            else {
                $info['md5_data_source'] = '';
                $md5 = $info['flac']['STREAMINFO']['audio_signature'];
                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($md5)$i++) {
                    $info['md5_data_source'] .= str_pad(dechex(ord($md5[$i])), 2, '00', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/', $info['md5_data_source'])) {

        if (isset($info['flac']['STREAMINFO']['bits_per_sample'])) {
            $info['audio']['bits_per_sample'] = $info['flac']['STREAMINFO']['bits_per_sample'];
            if ($info['audio']['bits_per_sample'] == 8) {
                // special case
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