implementsInterface example

    protected function _match($deviceClass)
        // Validate device class         $r = new ReflectionClass($deviceClass);
        if (!$r->implementsInterface('Zend_Http_UserAgent_Device')) {
            throw new Zend_Http_UserAgent_Exception(sprintf(
                'Invalid device class provided ("%s"); must implement Zend_Http_UserAgent_Device',

        $userAgent = $this->getUserAgent();

        // Call match method on device class         return call_user_func(
            array($deviceClass, 'match'),

    public function processNode(Node $node, Scope $scope): array
        $class = $scope->getClassReflection();

        if ($class === null) {
            return [];

        if (!$class->implementsInterface(CompilerPassInterface::class)) {
            return [];

        if (!$node->var instanceof Variable) {
            return [];

        if (!\in_array($node->var->name, ['_GET', '_POST', '_COOKIE', '_SERVER', '_FILES', '_REQUEST'], true)) {
            return [];

if (Zend_Loader::isReadable($file)) {
                    } else {
                } catch (Zend_Exception $ze) {

            $class = new ReflectionClass($className);
            if ($class->implementsInterface('Zend_Filter_Interface')) {
                if ($class->hasMethod('__construct')) {
                    $object = $class->newInstanceArgs($args);
                } else {
                    $object = $class->newInstance();
                return $object->filter($value);
        throw new Zend_Filter_Exception("Filter class not found from basename '$classBaseName'");
'Configuration must be an array or instance of Zend_Config'

        $params    = isset($config[ $type .'Params' ]) ? $config[ $type .'Params' ] : array();
        $className = $this->getClassName($config$type$namespace);
        if (!class_exists($className)) {

        $reflection = new ReflectionClass($className);
        if (!$reflection->implementsInterface('Zend_Log_FactoryInterface')) {
            throw new Zend_Log_Exception(
                $className . ' does not implement Zend_Log_FactoryInterface and can not be constructed from config.'

        return call_user_func(array($className, 'factory')$params);

    /** * Get the writer or filter full classname * * @param array $config * @param string $type filter|writer * @param string $defaultNamespace * @return string full classname * @throws Zend_Log_Exception */

    public function processNode(Node $node, Scope $scope): array
        $class = $scope->getClassReflection();

        if ($class === null) {
            return [];

        if (!$class->implementsInterface(CompilerPassInterface::class)) {
            return [];

        if (!$node->name instanceof Identifier) {
            return [];

        if ((string) $node->name !== 'getVariable' && (string) $node->name !== 'hasVariable') {
            return [];

if (str_contains($class, "\0")) {
            return null; // ignore anonymous classes         }

        $class = substr_replace($class, '\Configuration', strrpos($class, '\\'));
        $class = $container->getReflectionClass($class);

        if (!$class) {
            return null;

        if (!$class->implementsInterface(ConfigurationInterface::class)) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('The extension configuration class "%s" must implement "%s".', $class->getName(), ConfigurationInterface::class));

        if (!($constructor = $class->getConstructor()) || !$constructor->getNumberOfRequiredParameters()) {
            return $class->newInstance();

        return null;

    final protected function processConfiguration(ConfigurationInterface $configuration, array $configs): array

    public static function instantiate(string $class, array $properties = [], array $scopedProperties = []): object
        $reflector = Registry::$reflectors[$class] ??= Registry::getClassReflector($class);

        if (Registry::$cloneable[$class]) {
            $instance = clone Registry::$prototypes[$class];
        } elseif (Registry::$instantiableWithoutConstructor[$class]) {
            $instance = $reflector->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
        } elseif (null === Registry::$prototypes[$class]) {
            throw new NotInstantiableTypeException($class);
        } elseif ($reflector->implementsInterface('Serializable') && !method_exists($class, '__unserialize')) {
            $instance = unserialize('C:'.\strlen($class).':"'.$class.'":0:{}');
        } else {
            $instance = unserialize('O:'.\strlen($class).':"'.$class.'":0:{}');

        return $properties || $scopedProperties ? Hydrator::hydrate($instance$properties$scopedProperties) : $instance;

    public function setGroupSequenceProvider(bool $active)
        if ($this->hasGroupSequence()) {
            throw new GroupDefinitionException('Defining a group sequence provider is not allowed with a static group sequence.');

        if (!$this->getReflectionClass()->implementsInterface(GroupSequenceProviderInterface::class)) {
            throw new GroupDefinitionException(sprintf('Class "%s" must implement GroupSequenceProviderInterface.', $this->name));

        $this->groupSequenceProvider = $active;

    public function isGroupSequenceProvider(): bool
        return $this->groupSequenceProvider;

return $candidates;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function getLanguageSwitchLinks($type, Url $url) {
    if ($this->negotiator) {
      foreach ($this->negotiator->getNegotiationMethods($type) as $method_id => $method) {
        $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($method['class']);

        if ($reflector->implementsInterface('\Drupal\language\LanguageSwitcherInterface')) {
          $original_languages = $this->negotiatedLanguages;
          $result = $this->negotiator->getNegotiationMethodInstance($method_id)->getLanguageSwitchLinks($this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest()$type$url);

          if (!empty($result)) {
            // Allow modules to provide translations for specific links.             $this->moduleHandler->alter('language_switch_links', $result$type$url);

            $result = array_filter($resultfunction Darray $link): bool {
              $url = $link['url'] ?? NULL;
              $language = $link['language'] ?? NULL;
              if ($language instanceof LanguageInterface) {

  protected function initProcessors($scope) {
    $interface = '\Drupal\Core\PathProcessor\\' . Unicode::ucfirst($scope) . 'PathProcessorInterface';
    $this->processors[$scope] = [];
    $weights = [];
    foreach ($this->languageManager->getLanguageTypes() as $type) {
      foreach ($this->negotiator->getNegotiationMethods($type) as $method_id => $method) {
        if (!isset($this->processors[$scope][$method_id])) {
          $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($method['class']);
          if ($reflector->implementsInterface($interface)) {
            $this->processors[$scope][$method_id] = $this->negotiator->getNegotiationMethodInstance($method_id);
            $weights[$method_id] = $method['weight'];

    // Sort the processors list, so that their functions are called in the     // order specified by the weight of the methods.     uksort($this->processors[$scope]function D$method_id_a$method_id_b) use ($weights) {
      return $weights[$method_id_a] <=> $weights[$method_id_b];
'has_constructor'  => $constructor !== null && $constructor->getNumberOfParameters() > 0,
            'constructor_args' => [],
            'properties'       => [],
            'property_types'   => [],
            'attribute_types'  => [],
            'targets_literal'  => null,
            'targets'          => Target::TARGET_ALL,
            'is_annotation'    => strpos($docComment, '@Annotation') !== false,

        $metadata['has_named_argument_constructor'] = $metadata['has_constructor']
            && $class->implementsInterface(NamedArgumentConstructorAnnotation::class);

        // verify that the class is really meant to be an annotation         if ($metadata['is_annotation']) {

            foreach (self::$metadataParser->parse($docComment, 'class @' . $name) as $annotation) {
                if ($annotation instanceof Target) {
                    $metadata['targets']         = $annotation->targets;
                    $metadata['targets_literal'] = $annotation->literal;



        if ($reflection->hasConstant('FUNCTION_NAME')) {
            $name = $reflection->getConstant('FUNCTION_NAME');
        } else {
            $name = $reflection->getConstant('HOOK_NAME');

        $deprecationNotice = '';
        if ($reflection->implementsInterface(DeprecatedHook::class)) {
            $deprecationNotice .= '**Deprecated:** ' . $reflection->getMethod('getDeprecationNotice')->invoke(null);

        if (is_subclass_of($hook, OptionalFunctionHook::class)) {
            $requiredInVersion = $hook::willBeRequiredInVersion();
            if ($requiredInVersion) {
                $deprecationNotice .= sprintf(
                    '**Attention:** Function "%s" will be required from %s onward.',

                    $options += array_filter($tag);
                    $priority = $options['priority'] ?? 0;
                    $method = $options['method'] ?? '__invoke';

                    if (isset($options['bus'])) {
                        if (!\in_array($options['bus']$busIds)) {
                            // @deprecated since Symfony 6.2, in 7.0 change to:                             // $messageLocation = isset($tag['handles']) ? 'declared in your tag attribute "handles"' : sprintf('used as argument type in method "%s::%s()"', $r->getName(), $method);                             $messageLocation = isset($tag['handles']) ? 'declared in your tag attribute "handles"' : ($r->implementsInterface(MessageSubscriberInterface::class) ? sprintf('returned by method "%s::getHandledMessages()"', $r->getName()) : sprintf('used as argument type in method "%s::%s()"', $r->getName()$method));

                            throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid configuration '.$messageLocation.' for message "%s": bus "%s" does not exist.', $message$options['bus']));

                        $buses = [$options['bus']];

                    if ('*' !== $message && !class_exists($message) && !interface_exists($message, false)) {
                        // @deprecated since Symfony 6.2, in 7.0 change to:                         // $messageLocation = isset($tag['handles']) ? 'declared in your tag attribute "handles"' : sprintf('used as argument type in method "%s::%s()"', $r->getName(), $method);                         $messageLocation = isset($tag['handles']) ? 'declared in your tag attribute "handles"' : ($r->implementsInterface(MessageSubscriberInterface::class) ? sprintf('returned by method "%s::getHandledMessages()"', $r->getName()) : sprintf('used as argument type in method "%s::%s()"', $r->getName()$method));

$reflector = self::$reflectors[$name = $reflector->name] ??= self::getClassReflector($name, false, $cloneable);
            self::$cloneable[$class] = self::$cloneable[$name];
            self::$instantiableWithoutConstructor[$class] = self::$instantiableWithoutConstructor[$name];
            self::$prototypes[$class] = self::$prototypes[$name];

            return $reflector;
        } else {
            try {
                $proto = $reflector->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
                $instantiableWithoutConstructor = true;
            } catch (\ReflectionException) {
                $proto = $reflector->implementsInterface('Serializable') && !method_exists($class, '__unserialize') ? 'C:' : 'O:';
                if ('C:' === $proto && !$reflector->getMethod('unserialize')->isInternal()) {
                    $proto = null;
                } else {
                    try {
                        $proto = @unserialize($proto.\strlen($class).':"'.$class.'":0:{}');
                    } catch (\Exception $e) {
                        if (__FILE__ !== $e->getFile()) {
                            throw $e;
                        throw new NotInstantiableTypeException($class$e);
if (str_contains($class, "\0")) {
            return null; // ignore anonymous classes         }

        $class = substr_replace($class, '\Configuration', strrpos($class, '\\'));
        $class = $container->getReflectionClass($class);

        if (!$class) {
            return null;

        if (!$class->implementsInterface(ConfigurationInterface::class)) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('The extension configuration class "%s" must implement "%s".', $class->getName(), ConfigurationInterface::class));

        if (!($constructor = $class->getConstructor()) || !$constructor->getNumberOfRequiredParameters()) {
            return $class->newInstance();

        return null;

    final protected function processConfiguration(ConfigurationInterface $configuration, array $configs): array
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